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On the third day after the birth, this brutal ruffian thrust the child into a linen bag, and accompanied by his own brother on horseback, conveyed it to Annesley, in Nottinghamshire, where it was next day found dead under a hay-stack.

A common phrase indicating content, and equivalent to, "I would like to sit here for a week." The graias have taddered at the kas-stoggus we must jal an durer the gorgio's dicked us! The horses have been pulling at the hay-stack we must hurry away the man has seen us!

Half a minute more, however, and it might as well be the proverbial "needle in the hay-stack" for any chance they would have of finding it again. Hark! yes, there came tearing hoofs round into Prince Street from Crosby, and the lamps of a carriage shivered with the speed at which they were going. The horses were on the run. It was their carriage after all, for nobody else could be in such a hurry.

I can go in and come out and care no more for the sight of a grog-shop, than for a hay-stack. I can take care of my wife and children, and be just as kind to them as I please. And that's what I couldn't do before. Huzza for the pledge, say I! "Blister my feathers if ever I drink another drop of Alcohol, or anything that will make drunk come, sick or well, dead or alive!"

Or would you begin to wish that you might be allowed to live on sixpence a day and earn it; and even envy the ragged tramp who dines on a handful of half-rotten apples and sleeps in a hay-stack, but is free to come and go, and range the world at will? You have been playing at nature; but Nature mocks you, for your captives thank you not.

I was the second son of a farmer, whose place of residence was a western district of Pennsylvania. My eldest brother seemed fitted by nature for the employment to which he was destined. His wishes never led him astray from the hay-stack and the furrow. His ideas never ranged beyond the sphere of his vision, or suggested the possibility that to-morrow could differ from to-day.

"I'm sure you won't thank that rascally cousin of mine for having taught you," said Russell; "but seriously, isn't it a very moping way of spending the afternoon, to go and lie down behind some hay-stack, or in some frowsy tumble-down barn, as you smokers do, instead of playing racquets or football?" "O, it's pleasant enough sometimes," said Eric, speaking rather against his own convictions.

"You ride like a ritt-meister," he said, with an approvingly good-natured wag of the head, as he came up as close as Paddy would permit. "Danke-schön!" I rather listlessly retorted, "And if you leave the car here, close beside this hay-stack, it'll probably not be seen until after dinner. Then some time this afternoon, if the coast is clear, you can get it covered up."

His fame as a sportsman had to be made, and he had had only such practice as could be attained by shooting at a mark ever since he had been aware of his coming greatness. So he was desirous of conciliating Chapman, and not getting laughed at as the London young gentleman who could not hit a hay-stack.

"Look here, Phillis," said Bacchus, going to the door as fast as the uncertain condition of his pantaloons would allow him, "did you 'spose I was sich a fool as to wear dis to meetin to-day?" "Yes, I did," said Phillis. "Why, t'aint fit for a nigger to hoe corn in, its as big as a hay-stack." "Have you tried it on?" asked Phillis. "T'aint no use," said Bacchus, "I can tell by de looks."