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She had two such pretty nets in reserve in her missing trunk, and she did hate so to be in any way coming to pieces! Yet there was somehow a feeling that repaid it all, and even quieted the real anxiety as to the final "turning up" of their fugitive property, not a mere self-complacence, hardly a self-complacence at all, but a half-surprised gladness, that had something thankful in it.

Then look at this same principle as it affects our faculties for Christian service. There, too, it is true that all things are possible to him that believeth. The saying had an application to the disciples who stood by, half-ashamed and half-surprised at their failure to cast out the demon, as well as to the father in his agony of desire and doubt.

For one of the great charms of the little village hidden under the hills was that no tourist could stay a night in it, unless he or she took one spare room there was only one at the small public-house which sneaked away up round a corner of the street under an archway of ivy, and pushed its old gables through the dark enshrouding leaves with a half-surprised, half-propitiatory air, as though somewhat ashamed of its own existence.

"I suppose you began by saying you could not and would not, and then did more than any one else?" said Adelaide in an acrid voice, veiling a very displeased face with a very unpleasant smile; but the veil was too transparent and showed the displeasure with palpable plainness. Leam looked at her in a half-surprised way.

It was all Langholm could do to conceal his eagerness, but in the end he escaped with several orders to view, and the keys of the house of houses in his pocket. No caretaker could be got to live in it; the agent seemed half-surprised at Langholm's readiness to see over it all alone.

The child uttered a half-surprised cry; although we were in comparative obscurity, the ridges of the Cordilleras seemed all on fire. "Do you understand that phenomenon?" asked Sumichrast. "Yes; for I know the earth is round, and these mountains, which are higher than we are, of course first catch the rays of the sun."

Granger lifted a half-surprised look to Mr. Dinneford's face. "Thank you," he replied, after a few moments' thought. "I shall never forget your kindness, but I prefer remaining here for a few days, until I can confer with my friends and make some decision as to the future." Granger's manner grew reserved, almost embarrassed. Mr. Dinneford was not wrong in his impression of the cause.

Do you suppose, if I hadn't been sure of my footing at the Shrubberies, that I should have dared to ask an invitation for" then Watts hesitated for a moment, seeing a half-surprised, half-anxious look come into Peter's face, "for myself?" he continued. "Tell truth and shame the devil," said Peter. Watts laughed. "Confound you!

The smell of wine, its sparkle in the glasses, the freedom and apparent safety with which every one drank, the frequent invitations received, and the little banter and half-surprised lifting of the eyebrows that came now and then upon refusal were no light draught on Mr. Ridley's strength. "Have you tried this sherry, Mr.

He smiled condescendingly as he met Theos's half-surprised, half-inquiring look, and saluted him with a gravely pompous air, which however, was not without a saving touch of that indescribable, easy grace which seemed to distinguish the manners of all the inhabitants of Al-Kyris.