United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

However, if I could point out any way that is he should be prodigiously happy prodigiously indeed to give me any advice in his power. I was by no means satisfied with the pauses, hems, and ha's with which he delivered these apologies.

"O Pardi, Sir," cried she, "I don't desire none of your company; and if you wasn't the most boldest person in the world, you would not dare look me in the face." The ha, ha ha's! and he, he, he's! grew more and more uncontrollable, as if the restraint, from which they had burst, had added to their violence.

Equal justice ought, in a series of lectures like this, to be meted out to both sexes; and I feel bound to say a few words in respect to CLUBS. One reason why I do this ha's been given. A second is, that in so far as large cities are concerned, one can hardly sever the mental association which links together Clubs and domestic happiness or unhappiness.

Ungrateful. that I was, the happiness of home ceased to content me. I heard afar the roar of the great world, and roved impatient by the shore. At length, one evening, my father, with some modest hums and ha's, and an unaffected blush on his fair forehead, gratified a prayer frequently urged on him, and read me some portions of the Great Work.

As we led the trembling Kum Ping out, a greatly excited crowd of chattering Chinese met us at the end of the passage at Spofford alley, and the news passed from lip to lip, "The Mission people have taken Woon Ha's new slave girl!" We would be glad to end the story of our little friend's troubles and safe escape with her arrival at last in the Mission Home that day.

Here the doorkeepers on the Mountain side opened and shut the boxes reserved for the mistresses of the Duc d'Orleans; and there, though every sound of approbation or disapprobation was strictly forbidden, you heard the long and indignant 'Ha, ha's! of the mother-duchess, the patroness of the bands of female Jacobins, whenever her ears were not loudly greeted with the welcome sounds of death.

"Another thing: We don't want no book-learnin' or dictionary words in our pulpit," he went on coldly. "Some folks may stomach 'em; we won't. Them two sermons o' yours, p'r'aps they'd do down in some city place; but they're like your wife's bunnit here, they're too flowery to suit us. What we want to hear is the plain, old-fashioned Word of God, without any palaver or 'hems and ha's.

The voice that answered was one that Grace recognized, though she had never before heard in it the note of agitation and undignified excitement. There were no ponderous pauses and "Hum ha's" now. "Don't be a fool, Hammond!" it said. "And don't stand there preaching. Lock that door! Get a lamp! Are you sure there's nobody but us in the house?" Captain Elkanah Daniels!

"Where are you taking them, Ah Ha?" he asked. "Mr. Graham's room he come to-day." Now whose thought was that? Dick pondered. Ah Ha's? Oh Joy's or Paula's? He remembered having heard Graham more than once express his fancy for their lilacs. He deflected his course from the library and strolled out through the flowers near the tower room. Through the open windows of it came Paula's happy humming.

Within those gaunt ruins of the old castle she first became inspired to write her celebrated "Castell Gloom," near Dollar: Oh Castell Gloom! thy strength is gone, The green grass o'er thee growin'; On Hill of Care thou art alone, The Sorrow round thee flowin'. Oh Castell Gloom! on thy fair wa's Nae banners now are streamin'; The howlit flits amang thy ha's, And wild birds there are screamin'.