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Many spare moments were given to mounting these pretty living pictures of growths. My lack of success in producing a single very neat specimen was, I grieve to admit, hardly bettered by any of us; my father joining in the scientific excess only so far as to turn his luminous eyes upon our enthusiasm, with his genial "h'm-m" of permission.

"They didn't believe me at first. Then Sis said you were too old and you're not old at all and Gerald said he said " she giggled. "What did Gerald say?" "He said, 'Damned impertinence!" "H'm-m! I wonder just what he meant?" "Oh! goodness! It doesn't matter what Gerald means. He makes me weary. He's simply impossible and I can't see what Sis ever married him for."

In 'e stretch I tries to come th'oo on inside, an' two of 'em Irish jocks pulls oveh to 'e rail and puts us in a pocket. 'Niggeh, they say to me, 'take 'at oat hound home 'e long way; you sutny neveh git him th'oo! They was right, boss! 'Lijah, he come fourth, sewed up like a eagle in a cage!" "H'm-m. And the judges didn't pay any attention when you claimed a foul?"

Such small praise was enough to set Donnegan's heart thumping. "Besides, father told me to go with him, to trust him." "Ah!" There was an abrupt chilling and lowering of Landis' voice. "The colonel knows him? He's one of the colonel's men?" Plainly the colonel was to him as the rod to the child. "Why didn't you come directly to me?" "We thought it would be better not to." "H'm-m.

"Nope so they say. Either one of 'em might have done it. They 're down on each other for something; glare at each other like like you know cat and dog." "Go on." Dippy? Say! Acted like somebody 'd slipped him a round o' knockout-drops. Sure thing, he did. Would n't budge till old Grimes sent me back with him. I 'm only a license inspector, too. This is what I h'm-m I butted into.

Then, perceiving that his business methods had been questioned, he drew himself up and frowned darkly. "Hoity-toity!" he sniffed with exaggerated concern. "Who th' hell is this, now? One of them little white-ribbon boys, fresh from the East, I bet ye, travellin' for the W. P. S. Q. T. H'm-m tech me not oh deah!"

"All right," said the examiner, turning and charging upon the general bookkeeper, who had the statements of his foreign banks and their reconcilement memoranda ready. Everything there was found to be all right. Then the stub book of the certificates of deposit. Flutter flutter zip zip check! All right. List of over-drafts, please. Thanks. H'm-m. Unsigned bills of the bank, next. All right.

"No, nor you aren't going to wash the dishes, either," gurgled the young girl who danced behind the young man; "Allison and I will wash them all while you take a nap, and then we're going to ride again." Julia Cloud, her eyes bright with the joy of all this loving playfulness, tried to protest; but suddenly into the midst of this tumult came Mrs. Perkins's raucous assertion: "H'm-m!"

You know, Will all the rest, including yourself, generally had some material inducement " The broker gave a snort of impatience, and, going to the table, picked up a magazine, and made a pretense of becoming deeply interested in its contents. But his fit of sulks did not last long. Looking up, he growled: "What's his business?" "He's a newspaper man." "H'm-m! Romance, eh?"

From the rear Fanny heard Judge Fulsom's rumbling monotone, earnestly addressed to her husband: "Not that Boston ain't a nice town t' live in; but we'll have t' enter a demurrer against her staying there f'r good. Y' see " "Yes," said Fanny, smiling at Miss Daggett. "He went several days ago." "H'm-m," murmured Miss Daggett. "She's livin' there, ain't she?" "You mean Miss Orr?"