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But de part you doesn't know is de part mos' wuth knowin'. No woman eber had sich a husban' as Mas'r Graham, an' no chile sich a moder. 'Clar' ter grashus ef I b'lieve he's ebber slep' a wink wid his watchin' an' a-tinkin' what he could do fer you." "But, Jinny, I'm not ill; I never felt stronger in my life." "Laws, Missy Grace, dar's been a mirackle.

Hope ter grashus I kin do my wuk ter- morrer in peace and quietness." There was neither peace nor quietness at the mansion. Whately, with a soldier's instincts to make the most of passing opportunities, added to the hasty tendencies of his own nature, was not only enjoying the abundant supper, but feasting his eyes meantime on the charms developed by his cousin in his absence.

"What kind of sickness?" "Hit look sorter cu'ous, boss, but ole an' steddy ez I is, I tuck'n kotch de meezles." "Oh, get out! You are trying to get up a sensation." "Hit's a natal fack, boss, I declar' ter grashus ef 'tain't.

His breast heaved with a great sigh; the blood welled afresh from his wound; what seemed a mortal weakness crept over him; and he thought he died. "Say, Eb, is he done gone?" "'Clar to grashus if I know. 'Pears mighty like it." These words were spoken by two stout negroes, who had stolen to the battlefield as the sounds of conflict died away. "I'm doggoned if I tink dat he's dead.

"Did you tell Perkins Chunk been yere?" she demanded fiercely. "Fo' de Lawd I des gwine all ter pieces," gasped Aun' Jinkey. "Hope ter grashus yer does, en de pieces neber come tergedder agin," said Zany in contemptuous anger and deep alarm. Under the spur of tremendous excitement she hastened back, thinking as she ran, "Miss Lou too sick ter do anyting.

En den, bless grashus! w'en de fokes seed it, dey make a break fer de pon', en dem w'at wuz de soopless, dey got in fus' en dey come out w'ite; en dem w'at wuz de nex' soopless, dey got in nex', en dey come out merlatters; en dey wuz sech a crowd un um dat dey mighty nigh use de water up, w'ich w'en dem yuthers come long, de morest dey could do wuz ter paddle about wid der foots en dabble in it wid der han's.

Grashus! why, that's a black hickory. It is, indeed; and you might as well bore for maple-sugar in the side of a telegraph-pole." Then the company went home, and Butterwick's wife's uncle said he had an engagement with a man in Hatboro' which he must keep right off.

But, bless grashus! sech a racket wuz a gwine on dat nobody ain't hear it, 'ceppin' maybe de Mud Turkle en de Spring Lizzud, en dere enfloons wuz pow'ful lackin'. "Bimeby, w'iles de Nunicorn wuz 'sputin' wid de Lion, en w'ile de Hyener wuz a laughin' ter hisse'f, de Elephant squshed anudder one er de Crawfishes, en a little mo'n he'd er ruint de Mud Turkle.

'I don't mine fightin', Brer Coon, no mo' dan you duz, sezee, 'but I declar' ter grashus ef I kin stan' ticklin'. Git me in a row whar dey ain't no ticklin' 'lowed, en I'm your man, sezee.

"But bless grashus, honey! w'ilst all dis gwine on, Brer Fox wuz stannin' at de back do' wid one year at de cat-hole lissenin'. Eave-drappers don't hear no good er deyse'f, en de way Brer Fox wuz 'bused dat day wuz a caution.