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Is there anything wrong about one stein of beer in a jolly crowd? A girl can be nice without being goody-good. If there's anything a fellow hates, it's a goody-good. Take a fellow like Arch you think he'd have any time for me if I wasn't a good-enough sport to take a glass of beer with him maybe once a week when he gets to feeling thirsty? Nothing rough. Everything in moderation, I always say.

This lure won Margaret, who had now fully recovered her scout cheer, and was trying bravely to forget the loss of her cherished badge". "Mother loves watercress," she conceded, "and I would go, if we are sure to be back by five. I have to go call for the mail before dark." "Oh, goody-good!" sang out Grace. "Now I can surely get my nature work all nicely covered. I'll tell Madaline.

Her heart was filled with anger and a scowl was on her face. How she hated Helen Loraine! It was not the first time Helen had criticised her. "And Hester Alden will be another one just like Helen too goody-good to live," was her thought. Even after Berenice was being disqualified, Hester did not understand fully all that had taken place.

"You ought to smoke, Merriwell," said Dare. "There's lots of pleasure in it." "Perhaps so," admitted Frank; "but I don't care for it, and, as it is against the rules, it keeps me out of trouble by not smoking." "It's against the rules to indulge in this kind of a feast, old man. You can't be too much of a stickler for rules." "It doesn't do to be too goody-good," put in Snell, insinuatingly.

And we shall live to call her 'blessed, for this temporary parting from Polly will soon be a dream of the past, and both father and mother will laugh at this talk!" Drawing Polly into the house, Eleanor whispered: "I know just what you are going to say, Goody-good! You were ready to explode because you had not told me any such things as I pretended you had.

I wonder if I have faced down the Goody-good Bug-a-boo. I speak for five million men. We are not improving people. We are not even trying to improve ourselves. Many of us started in on it once and the first improvement we thought of was not to try any more. It is a great deal harder to try to live. Few people want us to most people get in the way.

It was Louise who spoke. "Certainly," Margaret hurried to say. "Why not? They will enter us if we send an application. Oh, goody-good! Louise run right home with the tin box, lock it in the safe and come have a troop meeting," sang out Margaret. "Don't have to say where you heard the news, do you?" asked the captain with a chuckle. "Certainly not," declared Cleo.

"And you know you always are. And sometimes" she crossed her crop and looked around at him reflectively "sometimes, do you know, I am almost afraid that you are so very, very good, that perhaps you are becoming almost goody-good." "What!" he exclaimed indignantly; but his only answer was her head thrown back and a ripple of enchanting laughter.

There is not one of them that will not evaporate in ten minutes the first morning we get some real news through in this country about ourselves and about what we are like. What is the real news about us, for instance, as regards being goody-good? I can only begin with the news for one.

"Such rubbish doesn't go with the fellows." "I don't think any one can accuse me of playing the goody-good," said Frank, quietly. "I like fun as well as any one, as you all know, but I do not care for cigarettes, and so I do not smoke them. I don't wish to take any credit to myself, so I make no claim to resisting a temptation, for they are no temptation to me."