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However, we insulted and beat all the goody-good boys in our way, swore small oaths, smoked and swaggered until sick with nausea, and crowning achievement, learned what a Tom and Jerry tasted like, enticed merely by the name. It was not until we had Ike Bromley for a leader, that we fairly succeeded in being as bad as we wished.

"She hasn't in externals," he thought, "the provincial air that one might expect, although her ideas are not only provincial, but prim, obtained, no doubt, from some goody-good books that she has read in the remote region wherein she has developed so remarkably.

Surely, such method is infinitely superior to raping a bride, as is so frequently done by the ignorant or goody-good young husband, who "stands upon his rights!"

She goes out on the porch now, for her nap. Come to Caroline, darling, and get something goody-good." And so Julia had no choice but to go, wandering a little disconsolately to her own room, and wishing the baby took her nap at another hour and could be played with now.

Giving his snakeship to understand that I don't appreciate his ''good intentions " by vigorously shaking him off, I turn my "barker "loose on him, and quickly convert him into a "goody-good snake; " for if "the only good Indian is a dead one," surely the same terse remark applies with much greater force to the vicious and deadly rattler.

"Sweetbriars," she said, blushing deeply. "Dandy!" exclaimed Phyllis Short. "Goody-good!" cried somebody else. "We're at Briarwood Hall, and why not Sweetbriars?" "Good name for initials, too," declared the practical Sarah Fish. "Make two words of it Sweet and Briars. The 'S. B.'s not bad that, eh? What say?" It was unanimous. And so the Sweetbriars were christened.

There are three other bug-a-boos, besides the Modesty Bug-a-boo that America will have to face and drive out of the way before it can be truly said to have a national character or to have grown up and found itself. There is the Goody-good Bug-a-boo, the Consistency Bug-a-boo, and the Bug-a-boo that Thomas Jefferson if he were living now, would never never ride in a carriage.

Different views of sexual relations for purpose of happiness Padlocks to prevent exercise of sexual functions Effect of falsehoods about sex relations Innocent brides and goody-good husbands Differences of opinion by brides and grooms lead to terrible wrongs on marriage night False teaching often results in the "rape of the wedding night" How definite knowledge prevents this shock to bride and makes for perfect bliss The second kind of coitus reserved only for human beings can bring highest physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

But there's a difference, Mrs. Schump, between being rough and being a goody-good." "There's something in what you say, Cora. I've had her by me so much, maybe I've tried to raise her a little over-genteel. There ain't one single bad appetite she's got to be afraid of. It's not in her.

You don't know anything about such things" half contemptuously. "You've always been goody-good! I can see it in your look. You don't know what it is to have men making fools of themselves over you! You don't know all I've done! I've been what they call a sinner! I sent away the only man I ever loved because I was jealous of God!