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Next she proceeded to gather her eyebrows into the smallest possible compass, and then she drew a deep breath, folded her small hands, and started off at a terrific pace, "Gaw bess parver yan muvver yan nannie yan hughyan betty yan dicky an aunt woggles yan ellen yan emma yan croft yan blusby yan all ve vitty children yan make dem velly good boys yan make my nastyole bunnyagoodgirl.

Joan had quite forgotten her commission and left the basket on Gorse Point. "I'll gaw back bimebye," she said. "I bin walkin' 'long the cliffs in the sun an' forgot the time. Gimme somethin' t'ate, mother; I be hungry an' fainty like wi' gwaine tu far. I could hardly fetch home." "You'm a queer twoad," said Thomasin, "an' I doan't knaw what's come over 'e of late days.

I ban't 'feared of nothing a hatch-mouthed, crooked-minded man, same as you be, can do. An' if I'm a hound, you 'm a dirty red fox, an' everybody knaws who comes out top when they meet. Steal my gal, would 'e? Gaw your ways, an' mend your ways, an' swallow your bile. I doan't care a flicker o' wildfire for 'e!" Hatch-mouthed = foul mouthed; profane.

He begged me as a man to imagine the scene: the old Bloated Bourbon of London Wall and Camberwell! an Illustrious Boy! drank like a fish! ready to show himself to the waiters! And then with 'Gee' and 'Gaw, the marquis spouted out reminiscences of scene, the best ever witnessed! 'Up starts the Dauphin. "Damn you, sir! and damn me, sir, if believe you have a spot on your whole body!"

Beyond, to the east, at a much higher level, hung a second consort, and Bert, presently gathering courage, wriggled out and craned his neck to find another still airship against the sunset in the south. "Gaw!" he said. "Beaten and chased! My Gawd!" The fighting, it seemed at first, was quite over in Niagara city, though a German flag was still flying from one shattered house.

"Rap to the door quick, dear heart," said Phoebe, "or I'll be cryin' again." "No more rappin' after thicky butivul letter," answered Will. "Us'll gaw straight in." "You walk fust, Phoebe 'tis right you should," declared Mrs. Blanchard. "Then Will can follow 'e; an' me an' Chris us'll walk 'bout for a bit, till you beckons from window." "Cheer up, Phoebe," cried Will.

"Poor little blue-eyed woman! Could you really think I was such a brute?" "'Twas awnly wan thot among many. I never thot so much afore in my life. An' I looked 'bout tu; an' I went up to the lil byre, where your things was, an' peeped in en. But I seed naught of 'e, awnly a gashly auld rat in a trap. But 'e won't gaw aways like that ag'in, will 'e?" "No, no. It was too bad."

Irving was the more difficult for an American to understand. "He pronounces the English tongue as it is pronounced by no other man, woman or child," wrote the critic, and proceeded to give a phonetically spelled version of Irving's delivery of Shylock's speech of Antonio. "Wa thane, ett no eperes Ah! um! yo ned m'clp Ough! ough! Gaw too thane! Ha! um! Yo com'n say Ah!

On the next day after arriving there, I joined the cavalry, which was encamped at Obersheim. After several movements in which we passed and repassed the Rhine but which led to no effective result, we encamped for forty days at Gaw- Boecklheim, one of the best and most beautiful positions in the world, and where we had charming weather, although a little disposed to cold.