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Updated: August 1, 2024

A rider, leaning against the bar and puffing thoughtfully at a cigar of elephantine proportions, suddenly took his cigar from his lips, held it poised, examined it with the eye of a connoisseur of cattle and remarked slowly: "Now, why didn't I think of it? Wonder you fellas didn't think of it. They need a cook bad! Been without a cook for a year and everybody fussin' 'round cookin' for himself."

"Phillis," said he, after a long silence, "do you know, it is my opinion that that old creature," pointing with his thumb to Aunt Peggy's house, "is so long used to grumblin' and fussin', that she can't, to save her life, lie still in her grave." "What makes you think so?" said Phillis. "Bekase, I believes in my soul she's back thar this minute."

"Well, a few of us waited 'round the cemetery afterwards to fix the flowers on the top o' the sod, an' Elspie, she waited with me fussin' quiet with one thing an' another. Eb, he waited too, standin' 'round. An' when it come time for us women to lay the set pieces on, I see Elspie an' Eb walkin' off toward the top o' the cemetery hill.

"Having his dinner there?" asked the incredulous but fascinated Mrs. Brashear. "Like he owned the place. Waiter fussin' over him like he loved him. And dressed! Oh, Gee!" "Did you speak to him?" asked Lambert. "He spoke to me," answered Wickert, dealing in subtle distinctions. "He was just finishing his coffee when I sighted him. Gave the waiter haffa dollar. I could see it on the plate.

"Mis' Field never did have any flesh on her bones," Mrs. Babcock rejoined; "an' as for Lois, nothin' ever did ail her but spring weather an' fussin'. I guess Mis' Field's well enough, but havin' all this property left her has made a different woman of her. I've seen people's noses teeter up in the air when their purses got heavy before now." "It ain't that," said Amanda.

And w'en she ain' fussin' an' fiddlin', she jus' moons around, waitin' fo' him to come ridin' up in that red car like a devil on greased light'in'. An' I say right heah, Miss Claudia ain' gwine like it." "Why ain' she?" "Miss Claudia know black f'um w'ite. An' dat man done got a black heart " "Whut yon know 'bout hit, Mandy?" "Lissen. You wait. He'll suck a o'ange an' th'ow it away.

We tried all manner o' gimcracks an' fussin' with her. Finally says Jim my man say she: 'Perhaps she's the Sacred Cow, says he, laffin', an' went in an' got a hymn-book an' sot it up afore her, and" Belle O'Neill shivered "what does the old cow do but pitch in and eat her mess regalar! Minit we took that hymn-book away or shet it up, she'd stop eatin'."

There was Ad'line and Susan Ellen fussin' an' bickerin' yesterday about who'd got to have me next; and, Lord be thanked, they both wanted me right off but I hated to hear 'em talkin' of it over. I'd rather live to home, and do for myself." "I've got consider'ble used to boardin'," said Jefferson, "sence ma'am died, but it made me ache 'long at the fust on 't, I tell ye.

"Purty soon Nellie got fussin' roun' the room, over nigh to where the yaller chap was a-settin', an' he spoke to her, saft-like, so ez we couldn't hear what he was a-gittin' at. Nellie she jest sniffed kinder scornful; an' then, what would yez suppose that chap done? He reached out suddent, grabbed her leetle wrist so hard 'at she cried out, an' slapped her yes, slapped her right across the mouth.

With a wrench of her entire body, Miss Lola Hassiebrock was across the room at three capacity strides, swung open a door there, and stood, head flung up and pressing back tears, her lips turned inward. "All right, then tell " After them, the immediately locked door resisting, Genevieve fell to batting the panels. "Let me in! Let me in! You're fussin' about your beaux.

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