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Updated: August 10, 2024

"What I think you childern need is a talk about fussin' an' fightin'. There ain't no use in me teachin' what they done a thousand years ago, when you ain't got manners enough to listen at what I am sayin'. I recollect one time durin' the war, when the soldiers was layin' 'round the camp, tryin' they best to keep from freezin' to death, a preacher come 'long to hold a service.

"Knowin' what a powerful disposition he had I most sincerely hoped our next glass would bring about satisfactory conclusions. I downed her, but it had got to be all I could do, I felt a freezin' cold in my vitals, like William had complained of, instead of the warmth and comfort for which I looked.

It's a great thing fur a man to hev a comfortable home, 'n a good woman in it!" Stokes burst out vehemently at that: "This is worse than a dog's life! We you 'n me are no more to them selfish creturs in there" nodding backwards at the passenger cars "then the ingine that draws 'em. I'm sick o' freezin' an' slavin' an' bein' despised by men no better 'n I be!

I knew you'd be down on me like a thousand of brick. I I Oh, you don't know what I've been through, Thankful, or you'd pity me, 'stead of pitchin' into me like this. I've been a reg'lar tramp that's what I've been, a tramp. Freezin' and starvin' and workin' in bar-rooms!

This preacher came into the barn one day when I was freezin' to death after a big spree. He tuk me home with him and kep' me there for two weeks, settin' up nights with me, too. Let me be," he said impatiently to Barry, who was trying to pull him down to his seat. "I'm agoin' to speak this time if it kills me.

And you ought to go raght down if you want to save the poo' fellah's lahfe; you' mothah's just freezin' him to death." "She is?" cried Alma. "Tchk!" She flew downstairs, and flitted swiftly into the room, and fluttered up to Beaton, and gave him a crushing hand-shake. "How very kind, of you to come and see us, Mr. Beaton! When did you come to New York? Don't you find it warm here?

He couldn't steal that very well, although, when you think of the stealin' he did do, it's a wonder he hadn't tried to carry it off by the wheelbarrow load. "It isn't worth while my tellin' you all the hullabaloo that came after the smash. It would take too long and I don't know the ins and outs of it, anyway. But the way it stands now is this: The Eagle Fish Freezin' Company is out of business.

Sez I, "You heartless wretch, you! if I wuz a man I'd shake some of the wickedness out of you, if I had to be shot up the minute afterwards!" "What harm is there in freezin' ice-cream?" sez he. Sez I, astounded, "Is that what Malviny's freezin'?" "Yes," sez he. I sunk back weak as a cat.

And it was Martha who spoke first. "Oh, Mr. Bangs!" she gasped. "Oh, Mr. Bangs!" Galusha's chin quivered. His face became very red. "Why why why, Miss Martha, I I " His agitation caused his teeth actually to chatter. Martha noticed the chatter and misinterpreted the cause. "Mercy me!" she cried. "You're standin' out there and freezin' to death. Of course you are. Come right in!

"'Tis time for deerskin moccasins, for the snow'll not be softenin' again. They'll be steady freezin' all day, and I thinks steady freezin' now till the end o' winter." "Oh, boy, but it's cold!" shivered Charley, as he hurriedly drew on his duffle socks and skin boots. "Wonderful frosty!" said Toby, as he lighted the fire.

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