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His face wuz covered with his bandanna, from whence issued deep groans, and I felt I must be calm to boy him up, and I sez: "Be sure, Josiah, to keep your feet dry, take your cough medicine reglar, go to meetin' stiddy, keep the pumps from freezin', and may God bless you," sez I. And then again I busted into tears. The hard-hearted engine snorted and puffed, and we wuz off.

"An' why were ye sittin' prayin' for fire with the gir-rl thremblin' and freezin' to death in yer ar-rms if ye knew so well how to be makin' one?" "Hush Dan," said Kate; for the fire of anger blew high. McTee started. "You know each other pretty well, eh?" "Tut, tut!" said Harrigan airily. "You can't expect a slip of a girl to be calling a black man like you by the front name?"

Your feelin's take to freezin', so likewise takes your brain; You go about grump-and-wheezin', like a wretched dog in pain; You long for wings, or some such things, But they're not to be had oh! no For there you are, Like a fixed star, In the world of Ice and Snow. If you wished you could you would not, for the very wish would die.

Now, thahs Jake Simmons, a lazy, no-'count skunk whut won't even tote in a back log to keep his fambly frum freezin'. He's got religion ha'f a dozen times, an' teks on a leetle crazier ev'ry time.

We're aither freezin' or fryin' the year round. Hereupon, as reminded by the last-named experience, he threw down his hoe, and went to settle the smouldering fires in the fallow, where one or two isolated heaps of brush were slowly consuming, while their bluish smoke curled up lazily in the still air.

Then along came Pyramid with his grand consolidation scheme, holdin' out the bait of makin' Mr. Wells head of the new concern and freezin' out all the rest. Wells, he swallows it whole: only to wake up a few months later and discover that he's been double crossed.

It's below freezin' right now in this room, and my blankets are wet, and I'm a sick man, as any man can tell that's got a nose." "If you'd been decent to the mate you might have got decent treatment in return," I said. "Huh!" he sneered. "You needn't think you can lose me, sir. I can grow fat on this sort of stuff. Why, sir, when I think of the court doin's in Seattle I just couldn't die.

"I mean something besides the wind. Sounded like some one walkin' on the front porch." "Now, look here, Eva, you ain't goin' to git me out there in this blizzard in my stockin' feet lookin' fer robbers " "Just the same, Anderson, I'm sure I heard some one. Mebby it's some poor creature freezin' an' in distress. If I was you, I'd go and look out there. Please do."

"Get in then," said his father roughly, giving him a push with his foot. "I daren't. It's so dark!" he answered. "Here, you come an' take the Sarpint," returned the father, with faintly reviving hope, "an' I'll see what sort of a place it is. If it's any place at all, it's better than bein' i' the air all night at this freezin' time!"

He dragged him towards the blaze and threw more wood on. "That was a mighty good feed you give us an hour or two back," he continued heartily, as though to set the man's thoughts on another scent, "and it ain't Christian to let you stand out there freezin' yer ole soul to hell while we're gettin' all good an' toasted!"