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I shouldn't touch it if I were you. I will be rude! Wha-at! Oh, yes! Ha! Ha! I never had a woman say that to me yet. She must be a cool hand or else Ah! that nursery-tea! Tchk! Tchk! CAPT. G. Good Gracious! What's that? MISS T. The dog, I think. MISS T. Then it must have been the cat. Let's go into the veranda. What a lovely evening it is!

And you ought to go raght down if you want to save the poo' fellah's lahfe; you' mothah's just freezin' him to death." "She is?" cried Alma. "Tchk!" She flew downstairs, and flitted swiftly into the room, and fluttered up to Beaton, and gave him a crushing hand-shake. "How very kind, of you to come and see us, Mr. Beaton! When did you come to New York? Don't you find it warm here?

Stepan Arkadyevitch's figure again went behind the bush, and Levin saw nothing but the bright flash of a match, followed by the red glow and blue smoke of a cigarette. "Tchk! tchk!" came the snapping sound of Stepan Arkadyevitch cocking his gun. "What's that cry?" asked Oblonsky, drawing Levin's attention to a prolonged cry, as though a colt were whinnying in a high voice, in play.

And you ought to go raght down if you want to save the poo' fellah's lahfe; you' mothah's just freezin' him to death." "She is?" cried Alma. "Tchk!" She flew downstairs, and flitted swiftly into the room, and fluttered up to Beaton, and gave him a crushing hand-shake. "How very kind, of you to come and see us, Mr. Beaton! When did you come to New York? Don't you find it warm here?

"Yes, yes, darling! I know it. That's why I love you so!" "There is just one thing," said the judge, as he wound up his watch that night, "that makes me a little uneasy still." Mrs. Kenton, already in her bed turned her face upon him with a despairing "Tchk! Dear! What is it? I thought we had talked over everything." "We haven't got Lottie's consent yet."

"Out Dubuque way." "Anything the matter with Bill's folks?" "No. It's business." "How's Pen?" "I guess she ain't much better than Irene." "He been about any?" "Yes. But I can't see as it helps matters much." "Tchk!" Mrs. Lapham fell back against the carriage cushions. "I declare, to see her willing to take the man that we all thought wanted her sister! I can't make it seem right."

He rode on his sulky plough when going with the wind, but walked when facing it. Sitting bent and cold but cheery under his slouch hat, he talked encouragingly to his four-in-hand. "Come round there, boys! Round agin! We got t' finish this land. Come in there, Dan! Stiddy, Kate, stiddy! None o' y'r tantrums, Kittie. It's purty tuff, but got a be did. Tchk! tchk! Step along, Pete!

The orangery, which was at the other end, led by a covered way to the outhouses of the chateau. The Marquis, to amuse the young woman, took her to see the stables. Above the basket-shaped racks porcelain slabs bore the names of the horses in black letters. Each animal in its stall whisked its tail when anyone went near and said "Tchk! tchk!"

Fargus, waiting for it with agitated hands as a nervous fielder awaits a rushing cricket ball, would stop it convulsively and usually drop and catch at and miss the spoon, whereupon the entire chain of Farguses would give together a very loud "Tchk!" and immediately shoot at their parent a plate of buns with "Buns Buns Buns Buns" all down the line. Similarly when Mr.

You could follow the streets and the circular sweep of the big Central Platz and even distinguish the bridges across the Rhine, then of a sudden the lights blurred and became indistinct, and Tam muttered an impatient "Tchk," for the squadron was running into a cloud-bank which might be small but was more likely to be fairly extensive.