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The spell was broken by a renewal of the thin, high voice of this mysterious Thing in Tom Osby's house. "And now," resumed Dan Anderson, "as I remarked, havin' turned our hands to the stable things of life, and havin' builded well the structure of an endurin', permanent society, there remained for us no need save for the softenin' and refinin' touch of a higher culture. We lacked nothing but Art.

"What for?" sez he in surprise, "why should I bathe my head, or annoint it?" "Oh nothin'," sez I, "if you don't think it needs softenin' up and illuminatin'." Well, I went up to my room and in a few minutes Faith come in, and she went right by me and looked in the glass.

'A high church weddin'. 'Bride and groom up in the air. Can't you see those headlines?" Hannah appeared more relieved than annoyed. "Humph!" she sniffed. "Well, I should say YOU was up in the air, Obed Bangs. What's the matter with you this mornin'? Has the rain soaked into your head? It seems to be softenin' up pretty fast.

"Well, generally speakin'," drawled Hiram, sarcastically, "it is that you've got softenin' of the brain. I can't make head or tail out of anything that you're sayin'." Cap'n Sproul waked suddenly from the reverie in which he had been talking as much to himself as to Hiram.

I don't want to knuckle under, but grin and bear it best I can." When Mr. Walton came out into the kitchen where Ann was she said: "I heard Tim ask you to pray. That was a good deal for him to do. Afore, you did it without the asking, but I was glad to have him just speak up for himself. O, he has been a softenin' since the fire, a comin' round a good deal." "Where is your brother?" "Mine?

A number of smackmen followed these. Later he saw several deeply laden Scotiamen lumbering past on the starboard tack, all apparently intent on making harbor. "Them fellers has smelt something outside that don't smell good," grunted the Cap'n. But he still stood on his way. "I reckon I've got softenin' of the brain," he muttered; "livin' inshore has given it to me.

Preached it right out of the pulpit so I guess no girl in these parts could have been hired to wed with him, if he'd wanted. His mother died when he was born, so he'd had no softenin' influence. After news came of his death, the house was shut up 'till you bought it. My, how you've changed it, already! I'd admire to go through it."

"'I've got softenin' of the brain, I guess, I says. "'He's a nice made thing, says the vet. 'How's he bred? "I tells him, 'n' he looks at the leg some more, 'n' then walks 'round the colt a couple a times. "'I tell you what I'll do, he says after while. 'I'll take him off your hands at just what you paid. I'm givin' it to you straight this hoss wont never do more than walk.

A smart Congress like th' wan we have now ought to be able to spare a little time fr'm its preparation iv new Jims iv speech f'r th' third reader an' rig up a bill that'd make keepin' house a recreation while so softenin' th' spirit iv th' haughty sign iv a noble race in th' kitchen that cookin' buckwheat cakes on a hot day with th' aid iv a bottle iv smokeless powdher'd not cause her f'r to sind a worthy man to his office in slippers an' without a hat."

"While I deplores usin’ such a comparison to the refinin’ and softenin’ inflooance of wimmen, the meetin’ of the Dax ladies by chanst anywheres has all the elements of danger and excitement that accompanies an Injun uprisin’." The travellers looked all manner of encouragement. "You see, my wife’s a great housekeeper; her talent lies"—and here Leander winked knowingly—"in managin’ the help."