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This sound, arising from what appeared to be a quite deserted coast, was really very daunting, and the men in the boat held water instantly. "What's this of it?" sings out the captain, for he was come within an easy hail. "Freens o'mine," says Alan, and began immediately to wade forth in the shallow water towards the boat. "Davie," he said, pausing, "Davie, are ye no coming?

"I was sayin' that same thing this verra nicht to ane o' my freens at the taivern afore ye cam'. It was auld Tam Rutherford, wha's gaun to be mairrit again, and him mair nor auchty years o' age. I warnt him against it, an' I telt him his ither wumman was deid but sax months. But Tam said as hoo a buddy at his age canna afford to wait ower lang, an' I didna ken what answer to gie to that."

This sound, arising from what appeared to be a quite deserted coast, was really very daunting, and the men in the boat held water instantly. "What's this of it?" sings out the captain, for he was come within an easy hail. "Freens o' mine," says Alan, and began immediately to wade forth in the shallow water towards the boat. "Davie," he said, pausing, "Davie, are ye no coming?

And it wass him that went in ta steamboat with a lot o' freens o' his, that wass a' goin' to Skye to a big weddin' there; and it wass a very bad passage, and when tey got into Portree the captain said to him, 'John, where iss all your freens that tey do not come ashore? And he said to him, 'I hef peen down below, sir, and four-thirds o' ta whole o' them are a' half-trooned and sick and tead. Four-thirds o' ta whole o' them!

This sound, arising from what appeared to be a quite deserted coast, was really very daunting, and the men in the boat held water instantly. "What's this of it?" sings out the captain, for he was come within an easy hail. "Freens o' mine," says Alan, and began immediately to wade forth in the shallow water towards the boat. "Davie," he said, pausing, "Davie, are ye no' coming?

I asked as I sat down at the blazing hearth. He was lying on the couch, the fourth gradation the field, the veranda, the room, the couch, the bed, the grave thus the promotion runs! "I'm by or'nar glad to see ye," he replied, evasively. "The auld freens are the best." "That's good, Archie, the old friends are glad to hear it.

'A' freens! said Merton, as if horrified by the austere reception of his cordial advances. 'Wha's gaumlin'? We mauna play, billies, till he's gane. An unco pernicketty auld carl, thon ane, he remarked, sotto voce. 'But there's naething in the Company's by-laws again refraishments, Merton added.

Hoot, man! If I had na The Cause to care for and to work for, whether I ever see it triumphant on earth or no I'd just tak' the cauld-water-cure off Waterloo-bridge, and mak' mysel a case for the Humane Society." "And what is The Cause?" I asked. "Wud I tell ye? We want no ready-made freens o' The Cause.

I whiles think ye will be some old Druid priest come back that's forgotten the word o' power, but kens dimly in his mind that the white glistening berries o' the oak and the old standing stanes are freens. Ye're no feart o' bawkins, and ye're never tired o' hearing about them. Aweel, it's a kind o' bravery I envy ye, for weel I mind that first time I heard the Black Hound o' Nourn bay.

What is there in that to be running from? "If the man has freens, I'll meet them a' wherever they like; but this running sticks in my gizzard. It's just ain brother tae caul' fear," and we marched on in grim silence.