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'You talk as if it were a common experience of yours. Fraeulein Wolf blushed and simpered. 'There was one, she murmured, 'when I was very young. He was to me as a bright particular star. His father kept a shop, but, oh, his soul would have harmonized with the loftiest rank in the land. He was in the Landwehr. If you had seen him in his uniform ach, Himmel!

A book we liked well to read and translate was Schiller's Ballads; Paulina soon learned to read them beautifully; the Fraeulein would listen to her with a broad smile of pleasure, and say her voice sounded like music.

'Read the book, said Herr Tiefenbach earnestly, as he shook hands. 'It is a deep book. 'Do not forget me! cried Stromboli sentimentally, and he kissed Margaret's gloves several times. 'Good-bye, said Fraeulein Ottilie. 'Every one is sorry when you go! Margaret was not a gushing person, but she stooped and kissed the cheerful little woman, and pressed her small hand affectionately.

On doubtful afternoons, when Ida was inclined to stay indoors, the sentimental Fraeulein was always at her side to urge her to take the accustomed walk. Not only was Mr. Wendover's society agreeable to her poetic soul, but he occasionally brought some tender offering in the shape of hothouse grapes or Jersey pears, which were still more welcome to the fair German.

Miss Pillby related the circumstances of Miss Palliser's crime setting forth her own cleverness in the course of her narrative how her misgivings had been excited by the unwonted familiarity between Ida and the Fraeulein a young person always open to suspicion as a stranger in the land how her fears had been confirmed by the conduct of an unknown man in the church; and how, urged by her keen sense of duty, she had employed Mrs.

Jean-Christophe, trussed up in an absurd coat, which made him look like a country parson, arrived at the house quite ill with shyness. He tried to persuade himself that Frau and Fraeulein Kerich had had no time to remark his features on the day when they had first seen him.

"But, Madam ... but, Madam ..." he stammered, with tears in his eyes, "I have never abused your confidence.... Please do not think that.... I am not a bad man, that I swear!... I love Fraeulein Minna. I love her with all my Soul, and I wish to marry her." Frau von Kerich smiled.

In vain I remind him that I am privileged, and that none of these gates are ever closed against me. The man is inexorable. "No, Fraeulein Gretchen," he says, "I dare not. This is not a fit hour for you to be out. Pray go home." "But Gaspar, good Gaspar," I plead, clinging to the gate with both hands, "tell me if he has escaped! Hark; oh, hark! there it is again!"

"I have always been poor, Fraeulein, until now." But Marguerite's mind had already flown to other things. She was looking at him again with a frown of concentration. "I am beginning to remember your name," she said. "Is it not strange how a name comes back with a face?

Peering back into the past, frowning in the effort to string forgotten words together, Fanny whispered upon the surface of the water: "The strange things of travel, The East and the West, The hill beyond the hill " But the poem was shattered as the voice of the bath woman called to her through the door. "You are well, Fraeulein?" Fanny turned in her bath astonished. "Why, yes, thank you!