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Elsa had brought three of her friends with her, and the four bright, bullety heads bent over the long frills which moved slowly through their sewing fingers. "Good Conquered Children!" They were sewing like little machines. "The Fraeulein Schneiderin," explained Elsa, "is so upset." And this was evident and needed no explaining.

And I had quite forgotten both your face and your name, Herr ... Herr ... von Holz" she broke off, and stepped back from him "von Holzen," she said slowly. "Then you are the malgamite man?" "Yes, Fraeulein," he answered, with his grave smile; "I am the malgamite man."

I discussed the question with your son." "You discussed!" "We did, indeed. We went over the whole field. East and west we tested my accomplishments by the standards of those who want teachers for their children. I have gone rather further in music than anything else. Even Fraeulein would hardly say now I lacked an outlet.

Cramming her oil-stained overall into her haversack, she put on her leather coat and went up to the garage. The sun had disappeared. A cold wind struck the silk-clad ankles. "Come in," she said in English, lifting her head and all her mind and spirit out of the pit of the pillow. Feet came further into the room and a shivering child held a candle in her face. "Halb sechs, Fraeulein," it said.

Don't tell Palliser that I know anything about him. She mightn't like it. The Fraeulein shook her head, and put her finger to her lips, just as Miss Motley rose from her knees, remarking that it was impossible for anybody to pray in a proper business-like manner with such whispering and chattering going on. Next day Miss Pillby contrived to get a walk in the garden before the early dinner.

Fraeulein Ottilie Braun had wrought a remarkable little specimen of German sentiment. She had made a little blue pin-cushion and had embroidered some little flowers on it in brown silk. Margaret had no difficulty in looking pleased, but she also looked slightly puzzled. 'They are forget-me-nots, said the Fraeulein, 'but because my name is Braun I made them brown. You see?

This Masha, her relations with Pasinkov, his letters, the hidden love of Sophia Nikolaevna's sister for him.... 'Poor fellow! poor fellow! I whispered, with a catching in my breath. I thought of all Pasinkov's life, his childhood, his youth, Fraeulein Frederike.... 'Well, I thought, 'much fate gave to thee! much cause for joy! Next day I went again to see Sophia Nikolaevna.

'But excuse me, Fraeulein Gemma, I should like first to know what reason impelled you ... 'I will mind what you say, Gemma repeated, her face right up to her brows was working, her cheeks were white, she was biting her lower lip. 'You have done so much for me, that I am bound to do as you wish; bound to carry out your wishes. I will tell mamma ... I will think again.

Once, in Paris, I went with some people to hear Samson et Delilah, and while everyone sat rapt, enchanted by the sweet sounds, I waited with what patience I could till the stage temple fell, in the vain hope that some part would hit the tenor. What would your Fraeulein say to such blasphemy? Forgive me maligning the gods of your idolatry.

His hair was glued to his temples by the rain, which gleamed on his face. "It is an abominable night," he said, coming forward. "Ach, Fraeulein, please do not leave us and the fire," he added; for Dorothy had risen. "I merely came to make sure that he had arrived safely home." He took the chair offered to him by Roden, and sat on it without bringing it forward.