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Updated: October 20, 2024

I thought of that urchin's scared, shrieking face now, as the rubicund man leant quickly back into his corner. Yet that was not all, for the infant, satisfied, perhaps, with its victim's ignominy, turned and looked at me with a cynical smile. I was, as it were, taken into its confidence. I felt flattered, undeservedly yet enormously flattered. I blushed, I may have simpered.

Sir George raised his eyebrows, and bowed as profoundly as before. 'That is entirely as your ladyship pleases, he said. Nevertheless he was not accustomed to be snubbed, and he set a trifle to her account. 'But for that creature, she continued, trembling with passion, 'I will not sleep under the same roof with her. Sir George simpered. 'I am sorry for that, he said.

Simmons detailed this achievement of the poor dulled tongue, with the pride of a mother repeating her baby's first word. Then he simpered with a little vanity of his own: "He was always one to notice my freckles," he said. Benjamin Wright, lying in his bed with his hat on noticed other things than Simmons's freckles, and spoke of them, too, quite distinctly. "My boy, S-Sam, is a good boy.

"Why did the Romans run away with the Sabine women?" asked the mistress, herself a young woman of about three and twenty. "Because they were pretty," simpered out a little girl with a cherry mouth. The answer did not give complete satisfaction, and then followed a somewhat abstruse explanation on the subject of population.

"And does my Angelina spare my delicacy," said Miss Hodges "does my Angelina not remember, in any of my long letters, the name of Orlando! There he stands." "Orlando! Is this gentleman your Orlando, of whom I have heard so much?" "He! he! he!" simpered Nat. "Mrs. Hodges Gazabo, my Araminta!" said Angelina, with astonishment, which she could not suppress.

'Like a second Hylas, carried off by the nymphs! simpered he, as he vanished into the harem, to reappear in five minutes, his head bound rip with silk handkerchiefs, and with as much of his usual impudence as he could muster. 'Your Excellency heroes all I am your devoted slave. I owe you life itself; and more, the valour of your succour is only surpassed by the deliciousness of your cure.

"Out of the question, Co., much as I regret it," glancing expressively at Miss Arthur. "But I shan't forget you all." "Pray do not," simpered the spinster. "And when do you return?" "Not for two or three weeks, I fear. But rest assured I shall lose no time, when once I am at liberty." During his lazy, good-humored moments, Mr.

Nugent, thankful for his own escape, was in a singularly merciful mood. "All this sounds as though you are going to be married," he said, turning to Mrs. Silk with a polite smile. The widow simpered and looked down, thereby affording Mr.

Dalton paying such attentions to a young lady while I was there as would convince anyone of the truth of the rumours that are afloat about him, she simpered out, half-defiantly. "'His sister, perhaps' your mother muttered, knocking her ivory pen-handle nervously against her white teeth. "'No, indeed nor his cousin neither, Miss Hartney retorted, with a covert little sneer.

He took the name of Callandar from an uncle or something. Anyway it isn't his own." Esther hulled a particularly fine berry and carefully putting the hull in the pan, threw the berry away. "Curiouser and curiouser!" she said, quoting the immortal Alice. "Did you recognise him at once?" If it be possible for a lady of this enlightened age to simper, Mrs. Coombe simpered.

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