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And all that on my account ... for me ... I shall never forget it. 'I assure you, Fraeulein Gemma ... 'I shall never forget it, she said deliberately; once more she looked intently at him, and turned away. He could now see her delicate pure profile, and it seemed to him that he had never seen anything like it, and had never known anything like what he was feeling at that instant.

'Some London shopman, no doubt, by his bad manners. She stole a look at Ida, who flushed ever so slightly at hearing Brian Wendover thus maligned. Fraeulein Wolf slept in the room occupied by Miss Pillby and Miss Motley three narrow iron bedsteads in a particularly inconvenient room, always devoted to governesses, and supposed to be a temple of learning.

The governesses, Miss Motley, Miss Pillby, and Mademoiselle were always on duty on fine afternoons, in attendance upon the pupils' regulation walks long dusty perambulations of dull high roads; and thus it happened that Ida and the Fraeulein had the meadow path to themselves. Nothing occurred during the space of a fortnight to disturb their sense of security.

The Fraeulein knew her Schiller by heart, having expounded him daily for the last four years, and she fondly believed that after Shakespeare Schiller was the greatest poet who had ever trodden this globe. 'And if God had spared him for twenty more years, who knows if he would not have been greater than Shakespeare? inquired the Fraeulein, blandly.

Fraeulein von Klettenberg guided her way between both extremes, and seemed, with some self-complacency, to see her own reflections in the image of Count Zindendorf, whose opinions and actions bore witness to a higher birth and more distinguished rank.

'He shall take care of Cordova with his conscience! I tell you, I will frighten him! This was possible, and even probable. Margaret looked after the broad figure. 'Dear old Stromboli! she laughed. 'He has the kindest heart in the world, said little Fraeulein Ottilie Braun. 'He is no a musician, observed Herr Tiefenbach; 'but he does not sing out of tune.

The head-gardener's son came by with two pots of magnificent geraniums, one under each arm. "Where are you going with those flowers, Wilhelm?" I asked, running after him. "They are for the state salon, Fraeulein Gretchen," he replied, and hurried on. For the state salon! I ran round to the side of the grand entrance.

Thus when she perceived the intimacy which had newly arisen between the Fraeulein and Miss Palliser, she told herself that there must be some occult reason for the fact. Why did those two always walk together? What hidden charm had they discovered in the river-meadow? For this question, looked at from Miss Pillby's point of view, there could be only one answer. The attraction was masculine.

But the Fraeulein continued to stare at him. He thought she was not yet awake he could not tell that she was counting countries in her head to find which one she was in or that she was inclining towards the theory that she was at school in Germany. He was very cold in his shirt and little trousers, and he pulled at her sheets.

Brian is not the kind of young man to be kept at bay by a mild nonentity like the Fraeulein. He told me before he left that he was desperately in love with you, and that he meant to win you for his wife. I asked him how he intended to keep a wife, and he said he should write for the magazines, and do theatrical criticisms for the newspapers, till briefs began to drop in.