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"But this Nancy seems another matter. I remember her, off and on. I was often away when the Fletchers were home, and the girls were at school a good many years, but this Nancy is the sort of child that one doesn't forget. She's lovely very fair and exquisite.

And every friend you have wants you to marry the man you love and to put an end to the desolation which you have brought on yourself. There is not one among us all, Fletchers and Whartons, whose comfort does not more or less depend on your sacrificing the luxury of your own woe." "Luxury!" "Yes; luxury.

John Fletcher, Esq., of Longbarns, some twelve miles from Wharton, was a considerable man in Herefordshire. This present squire had married Sir Alured's eldest daughter, and the younger brother had, almost since they were children together, been known to be in love with Emily Wharton. All the Fletchers and everything belonging to them were almost worshipped at Wharton Hall.

'I don't know him. 'I'll introduce you. You'll like him. 'But, Cynthia, how do you know he would be willing to help us? 'He would do it for me, Cynthia paused. 'You see, she went on, 'we are engaged to be married. 'My dear Cynthia! Why did you not tell me? When did it happen? 'Last night at the Fletchers' dance. Mrs Ford's eyes opened. 'Last night! Were you at a dance last night?

"The parson talked mighty plain to-day," said one man in a low voice to another, as they wended their way to the graveyard. "He didn't put poor Billy in Heaven, that's certain, and perhaps he's right. I guess he hit the Fletchers pretty hard." "Oh, yes," the other replied. "The parson got his say from the pulpit, hut the Fletchers will have theirs later." "Why, what have they to say?"

Delancy to call at the office as soon as it was convenient, as the writer wished to talk with him on a matter of business, and it was signed "Gilbert Fletcher." "Why don't he say what his business is?" said Jack, throwing the letter down impatiently. "I am not going to be hauled over the coals by any of the Fletchers." And he tumbled into bed in an injured and yet independent frame of mind.

"Who is that girl?" "Her name is Hazel Wright, and she is living at the Badgers'. She's as crazy about flowers as I am, so we had a lot to say. She gave me a lecture on religion, too;" an excited little laugh escaped between the speaker's lips. "She's a very unusual child; and she certainly has a look of the Fletchers." "What? I thought you said her name was Wright." "It is! My tongue slipped.

Stewart meantime was finding love not so entirely beautiful and delightful a thing as he had at first imagined it. In his dreamy way he had overlooked the fact of Commemoration, and planned when Term was over to find Mildred constantly at the Fletchers' and to be able to arrange quiet days on the river.

According to Posh, the original name of this schooner was the Shamrock, but she has become famous as the Scandal. It happened that when the Fletchers were at Harwich in search of the stolen punt, Edward FitzGerald had come down the river, and Newson made his two Lowestoft friends known to his master.

I'm not a man to do anything except be a good steward for the family property, and keep the old house from falling down. You're a clever fellow, so that between us, if we both do our duty, the Fletchers may still thrive in the land. My house shall be your house, and my wife your wife, and my children your children. And then the honour you win shall be my honour.