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We've seen tae many of our best laddies dee these last years. They were the husbands the wee lassies were waiting for the faithers of bairns that will never be born the noo. Are those that are left doing a' that they should to mak' up that loss? There's selfishness amang those who'll no ha' the weans they should. And it's a selfishness that brings its ain punishment be sure of that.

But gie me the country. Do ye ken a man that'll e'er be able tae love his hame sae well if it were a city he was born in, and reared in? In a city folk move sae oft! The hame of a man's faithers may be unknown tae him; belike it's been torn doon, lang before his own bairns are weaned. In the country hame has a different meaning. Country folk make a real hame o' a hoose.

Gie them the hymes, an' we'll hear Martyrdom nae mair, an' Coleshill an' Duke Street'll be by. For what did oor faithers dee if it wasna for the psalms o' Dauvit? An' they dee'd to the tunes I've named to ye." "But Mr. M'Cormack will admit," said Mr. Blake, "that many of God's people worship to profit with the hymns. There is the Episcopal church across the way.

Go to him to marry her! but dinna hae the audacity to look me in the face. "'Weel said, Nicol, whispered my mother, coming behint me, and clapping me on the back; 'aye act in that manner, my man. "And both her faithers and her brothers stood looking one to another for an answer, and slunk away without saying another word either about the law or our marriage.

That hanky has no legs to walk by itsel'. It must have been carried. By whom? No' by an Indian, though I ken there's been Indians in the viceenity. If a redskin had found it, he'd have taken better care o' it. And so it's clear to me that one o' your faithers must have dropped it on dry land, and so so Well, you both o' you can have a sound night's rest."

"Yet if, as you say, the Athabasca is so dangerous " began Alf, when he was again interrupted with kindly roughness. "If? Laddie, laddie, are you forgetting that there's a Hand that could guide the frailest birch-bark safely through Niagara itsel'? And I doot not that I'm right when I say that it's my opeenion that that same Hand has no' been very far from your faithers in their plight.

And when THEY went home for the night, the Faithers would smash all the bottles. Finally they got so busy fightin' 'mong themselves that Betsy see she was gettin' no better fast, and sent for the reg'lar doctor. HE done the curin', and got the pay. "'Well, says I, 'what of it? "'Nothin', says he. 'Only I've been practisin' a considerable spell. So long.

"We're a' honest men," replied Thomas, "an' we're a' open to conviction, but I houp nane o' us'll be weak eneuch to be convickit. Oor faithers wadna hae been convickit." "It'll dae nae harm to hear the argyments," said Andrew Hogg, the silent member of the session.

But to keep on slaving till you're worked out that's nothing but a gowk's game, and can bring no good." "I suppose you are right," said Holden slowly. "Of course I am. Don't you fear, laddie. I'll no' be too late. I know the ways o' the Indian, and I know the Dacotahs. Depend upon it, your faithers are being kindly treated, as best the redskins know how to treat friends.

His awn generation won't trouble him, an' he'll find a wise guardian in Martin, an' a lovin' gran'mother in me. Dry your eyes an' be a Blanchard. God A'mighty sends sawls in the world His awn way, an' chooses the faithers an' mothers for 'em; an' He's never taught Nature to go second to parson yet, worse luck.