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"What curse lies heavy on our line? It seems fatal to come within reach of heirship to the family-honours. Ere long there will be no Wilders left, and the title of Essendine will become extinct," wrote the old peer to Mrs. McKay. "Your boy, a fine, fearless young fellow, whom I neglected too long and who deserved a nobler fate, is the latest victim. Pray Heaven he may yet escape!

"I don't wish you any harm, of course; still it is as I say, and my son " "Aged two, and at present in England at nurse." " May be the future Earl of Essendine." "He shan't be, if I can prevent it!" cried Lord Lydstone, gaily; "you may rely on that. But, I say, here is a smart gig coming off from the shore. I believe the Governor has sent his own barge for you. Here, Bill! I say, Bill!"

"I was left suddenly alone, unprotected, without resources, in this strange country to fight my own battle, to earn a crust of bread by my own exertions, or starve." "Dear, dear!" said the colonel, his sympathies fully aroused. "I should have starved, but for Lady Essendine. She heard of me. I was trying to dispose of some lace some very old Spanish point. You are a judge of lace, monsieur?"

Although some blamed the young officer for his rashness, and others held Lord Raglan directly responsible for his loss, all agreed in execrating the vindictive cruelty of the uncompromising foe. General sympathy was expressed for Mr. McKay; the most august person in the land sent a message of condolence to his mother through Lord Essendine, who added a few kindly words on his own account.

"I mean that after they are gone only one obstacle intervenes between you and all the Essendine wealth. If Lord Lydstone were out of the way, the title and its possession would come, perhaps, to your husband, certainly to your son." "Silence! Do not put thoughts into my head. You must be the very fiend, I think." "I know you, Cyprienne, and every move of your mind.

He lived afterwards at Geneva. It was there he met my mother." "Is it through him or her that you are related to the Wilders?" "Through my mother. She was daughter of the Honourable Anastasius, son of the twelfth earl." "And what might be the distinguishing numeral of the present Essendine potentate?" "He is fourteenth earl." "Then he and your mother are first cousins?"

It is most sad!" She would have feigned the same excessive grief with the Essendine lawyers, to whom she also paid several visits, but the senior partner's cold eye and cynical smile checked her heroics. "You will not be the loser by poor McKay's removal," he said, with brutal frankness, one day when she had rather overdone her part.

I feel sure he would have made an excellent Earl of Essendine; more's the pity." "I trust my son, if he inherits, will worthily maintain the credit of the house." "So do I, my dear madam," said old Mr. Burt, with a bow that made the speech a less doubtful compliment. "When will it be settled? Why do they hesitate?

When she arose from the piano Lady Essendine went up to her, patronising and gracious. "Oh! thank you so much. I don't know when I have heard anything so charming." Other ladies followed suit, and, amidst the general cries of approval, the beautiful singer was engaged a dozen deep to sing at other great houses in the town. Presently they pressed her to perform again. Was she not paid for it?

I will strive hard to help him in his present dire peril." Lord Essendine was as good as his word. He had great influence, political and diplomatic: great friends in high place at every court in Europe. Among others, the Russian ambassador at Vienna was under personal obligations to him of long standing, and did not hesitate when called upon to acknowledge the debt.