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Updated: August 6, 2024

"Puis je te decrirai ce tableau de Rembrandt Que me fait tant plaisir: et mon chat Childebrand, Sur mes genoux pose selon son habitude, Levant sur moi la tete avec inquietude, Suivra les mouvements de mon doigt qui dans l'air Esquisse mon recit pour le rendre plus clair.

The punctuation also differs from that of the Poetry for Children. London Magazine, July, 1823. This, like others of Lamb's essays, was translated into French and published in the Revue Britannique in 1833. It was prefaced by the remark: "L'auteur de cette délicieuse esquisse est Charles Lamb, connu sous le nom d'Eliah." I have said so before. See "Oxford in the Vacation." My beloved Thames.

The reader who is interested in pursuing the subject further may profitably consult a book entitled "Imperial Germany," by Prince von Bülow, which contains some penetrating observations on the workings of the German mind, as well as the chapter on Germany in Alfred Fouillée's notable work, "Esquisse Psychologique des Peuples Européens."

The fogs and mists of Comte's portentous tomes are all derived, it has often been pointed out, from a few paragraphs of Turgot. And a fragment written by Turgot in his youth inspired something of the substance and even of the title of Condorcet's great Esquisse. References to the power over his mind of the French Revolutionary principles abound in Goethe's writings.

Nothing is, I conclude, written, and Aberdeen does not like Cabinet criticism, nor do I think the Cabinet at all agreed as to what should be said. Dudley's letters used to occupy us for days, and certainly they were the better for it although we lost a good deal of time occasionally. Aberdeen said he would send it to me. I think I shall write an esquisse myself.

It was a typically big western idea, an idea that as a rule never gets any farther than being thought of, or possibly seeing daylight as an "esquisse" but seldom any farther than that. The Burnham plan for San Francisco was such an unrealized dream, but here the dream has achieved concrete form.

M. HELVETIUS, "Treatise on Man, his Intellectual Faculties and Education: translated by W. Hooper, M. D.," I. 247. M. LAMENNAIS, "Esquisse d'une Philosophie," I. 95. "Spinoza is a God-intoxicated man." NOVALIS, quoted in T. Carlyle's Essays, II. 43. "Letters on the Laws of Man's Nature and Development, by H. G. ATKINSON and HARRIET MARTINEAU," p. 241. Psalm 14: 1; 53: 1. Psalm 10: 4, 11, 13.

On ne peut pas encore juger du degre d'exactitude avec laquelle elle a ete faite, parce que le citoyen Baudin n'a envoye qu'une partie de la carte qu'il en a dressee, et que cette carte meme n'est qu'une premiere esquisse.

"Je t'ai tout dit; ca a ete seulement un etat d'abattement complet accompagne d'excitation des centres nerveux." "KEW. Thursday. "Le temps est si mauvais que je n'ai pas pu faire une seule esquisse. Ma tante Susan t'a ecrit pour te dire que la pauvre Anne a cesse de souffrir. J'ai recu une lettre de son mari qui me dit que les derniers jours ont ete bien penibles.

I have no knowledge that the atheists have replied categorically to this theory of the essential imperfection of the creature, a theory reproduced with brilliancy by M. de Lamennais in his "Esquisse."

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