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Updated: August 23, 2024

His sentiments in this respect were so generally known, that it is said Cornwallis previous to his entrance into Charlotte in 1780, was extremely anxious to enfold him in his embraces. Dr. McLean remained in this institution of learning about two years and then returned home.

But then how tenderly and wisely does the great Artificer lend consolation and healing, repairing and filling so far as he may, the sad fracture; he seems to know better than we can divine the things that belong to our peace; so that as I looked across the purple rolling plain, with all its wooded ridges, its rich pastures, the smoke going up from a hundred hamlets, a confidence, a quiet trust seemed to rise in my mind, filling me with a strange yearning to know what were the thoughts of the vast Mind that makes us and sustains us, mingled with a faith in some large and far-off issue that shall receive and enfold our little fretful spirits, as the sea receives the troubled leaping streams, to move in slow unison with the wide and secret tides.

As to the abbe and the chevalier, they were as usual; only the abbe had hidden his hate behind a smile that was habitual, and the chevalier his resentment behind that cold and stiff dignity in which dull minds enfold themselves when they believe themselves injured in their vanity.

The stranger followed the direction indicated by the little hand, and his eyes took on a wistful stare as they fixed upon a couple strolling across the meadow, holding flowers and ferns in their hands. They walked quite close together, those two, and the distance seemed to enfold them with conscious tenderness.

The husband and lover could enfold no positive prospect to suit his wife's tastes beyond the twelve months. We have Dame Gossip upon us.

I ask those who love that music because they find some of their own sadness reflected there. Who has not felt the secret tragedies that some of his musical passages enfold those short, characteristically abrupt phrases which seem to rise in supplication to God, and often fall back in sadness and in tears?

Westcott smiled into Peter's face ... the house was silent and dark and oh! so restful. The candle swelled to an enormous size the red dressing-gown seemed to enfold Peter. In another moment he would have fallen asleep there where he stood. With the last struggle of a drowning man he pulled back his fading senses. "I must go back to the hotel and fetch my things."

We knew the situation before the train stopped by the crosses erected on the conspicuous peaks of the serrated ashy or shall I say purple hills that enfold the fertile valley. It is a great domain, watered by a swift river, and sheltered by wonderfully picturesque mountains.

But I've always loved children more than anything in the world." She blushed, and Farraday, watching her, realized for the first time what a certain heightened radiance in her face betokened. He smiled very sweetly at her. She in her turn saw that he knew, and was glad. His manner seemed to enfold her in a mantle of comfort and understanding. As they finished their tea, Stefan arrived.

I want to hold you in my arms, Myra mine, clasped close to my breast, to set your darling heart afire with burning kisses, to kiss the heart out of you then kiss it back again all aflame with love and longing. Myra, darling, I love you as I have never loved before, and I want you for my wife." He stretched out his arms as if to enfold Myra in them, but she evaded him adroitly.

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