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Updated: August 25, 2024

So, too, his compositions sometimes contained happy phrases that earned him high praise. On the theme, "The maiden Theano defending Alcibiades against the incensed Athenians," he wrote a Latin oration that was warmly commended by Monsieur Duruy, the then Inspector of Public Instruction, and gained the young author some weeks of scholastic fame.

A little later, when they began to entertain a vague hope of deliverance, the retiring pension which was held up to their gaze, in the distant future, was at first no more than forty francs, and they had to await the advent of Duruy, the great minister and liberator, before primary instruction was in some degree raised from this ignominious level of abasement.

And, curtseying and nodding, she withdrew, still staring at the coin in the palm of her hand. 'What did she say? asked Duruy. 'She wished you long life and health. 'And pecaire? 'Pecaire is a poem in itself: it sums up all the gentler passions. And I myself mentally repeated the artless vow.

In January, 1869, I was sent to Heidelberg by the Minister of Public Instruction, Victor Duruy, to study the organization of German universities. Germany was for me the land of metaphysics, music, and poetry. I was greatly astonished to find that outside of the lecture courses the only thing discussed was the war which Prussia was about to make on France.

Mon ancien maitre, confrere et ami, Duruy, m'ecrit que vous venez d'etre nomme associe etranger de son Academie par vingt-sept voix. C'est un beau succes dont je veux tout de suite me rejouir avec vous, en attendant que je puisse le faire de vive voix. Je compte etre le 20 de ce mois a Bruxelles, et diner avec le Club quelque jour du mois de juin.

It was after reading these little books, it is said, that Duruy conceived the idea of confiding to this admirable teacher the education of the Imperial heir; and it is very probable that this was, in reality, the secret motive which would explain why he had so expressly summoned Fabre to Paris. What an ideal tutor he had thought of, and how proud might others have been of such a choice!

These memoirs have only recently been published by M. Georges Duruy, who married M. Jubinal's daughter, the granddaughter of Comte Rousselin de St. Albin. I well remember, as a little girl, being shown some of the choicest pieces in the series, among which were interesting original portraits.

Duruy had just succumbed under the incessant attacks of the clericals. In him Fabre lost a friend, a protector, and his only support.

I came to have far more respect for another statesman whom I then met Duruy, the eminent historian of France and of Rome, who had labored so earnestly under the Second Empire, both as a historian and a minister of state, to develop a basis for rational liberty. Seated next me at dinner, he made a remark which threw much light on one of the most serious faults of the French Republic.

One paper especially made an indelible impression upon my childish mind, and I can now recall the feeling of awe with which I gazed upon the appeal to arms in the name of the Commune, drawn up by Robespierre and his colleagues on the night of the 9th Thermidor, a document which has since been published by M. Duruy in the "Memoires de Barras."

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