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Dumb-founded at hearing her raise such objections, when I had fancied that I only needed to express my commands, I gazed at her in complete astonishment. "But my wife will never know Kondjé-Gul!" I exclaimed. "She will live in her own home, and Kondjé-Gul will live here, so that nothing will be changed so far as we are concerned."

Friends of his arrived here soon after he left the house." "The deuce they did!" I thought, dumb-founded. I judged prudence advisable. "They have names, these friends?" I inquired warily. "Without doubt, Monsieur," she agreed, "but they did not offer them; and who am I to ask questions of the officers of France? They are bound on a mission, plainly. In time of war those so engaged talk little.

Of a sudden Tom, who was in the lead, stopped. "I smell something awful queer," he whispered. The trail wound along the edge of a sharp descent and just ahead was an abrupt turn. Ere either Larry or Horace could reply to their companion's announcement all three were dumb-founded to see a big, shaggy brown head appear round the turn in the trail. "It's a bear!" gasped Horace.

Cross purposes, moot-points, pleas, demurrers, flaws in the indictment, double meanings, cases, inconsequentialities, these were the play-things, the darlings of Mr. Tooke's mind; and with these he baffled the Judge, dumb-founded the Counsel, and outwitted the Jury. The report of his trial before Lord Kenyon is a master-piece of acuteness, dexterity, modest assurance, and legal effect.

But Doris was to live long enough to talk across the ocean, though no one really dreamed of it then; indeed, at first it was quite ridiculed. "It is a nice thing to know a good deal, but it is awful hard to learn," said the little girl presently. "Now, it seems to me I never could learn French. And when you rattle it off in the way you do, I am dumb-founded." "What is that, Betty?"

"I'm perfectly dumb-founded with your boldness!" said Mr. Wilson, "to come right here to the nearest tavern!" "Mr. Wilson, it is so bold, and this tavern is so near, that they will never think of it; they will look for me on ahead, and you yourself wouldn't know me. Jim's master don't live in this county; he isn't known in these parts.

"Do you see it?" "There, see there!" The old fellow was dumb-founded at beholding under water the reddish-brown fur of an actual otter. "It's coming my way!" said the child. "Hit him a sharp blow on the head and jump into the water and hold him fast down, but don't let him go!" Mouche dove into the water like a frightened frog.

Deerslayer was dumb-founded at this proof of guileless feebleness of mind, but Judith had suddenly bethought her of a means of counteracting this wild project, by acting on the very feelings that had given it birth. Without adverting to the closing question, or the laugh, therefore, she hurriedly called to her sister by name, as one suddenly impressed with the importance of what she had to say.

The President regretted having kept them waiting so long, but the court-martial had been sitting when they arrived, and the President thought that perhaps they would be interested in knowing the verdict. With that the officer escorted the two dumb-founded men to the door, where they got into their carriage without a word. The moment they were out of earshot the manager said to the coachman

The rest sprang to their feet in astonishment for, illustrating his remarks, Scip had struck the center of the oil painting with his hand, and stood dumb-founded, for the picture noiselessly swung forward and disclosed a large recess in the wall in which little sacks of some sort of money were piled one on the other.