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Updated: August 20, 2024

The captain nodded. "Your visits to me were to cease when this marriage happened, if I wished it," he said, slowly. "That was the arrangement," said the dumb-founded Hardy, "but I had hoped . Besides, it has all taken place much sooner than I had anticipated." "That was the bargain," said the captain, stiffly. "And now I'll bid you good-day."

She takes to ways and expressions mighty quick, and she is the sweet appealing kind that attracts even while one disapproves. I confess I am utterly dumb-founded and if you can throw any light on this matter, pray do so.

The notion of getting such wages in a place with such surroundings quite dumb-founded me; and he had the things too; for by-and-by I found napery and china in a big chest that I used for a table out of doors; and bit by bit I made great improvements at Barragong.

There was a most satisfying uproar and eddying volume of smoke and eruption of earth, and the lieutenant stared through a loophole dumb-founded with delight. 'I'll swear, he said, 'that our old Plum-and-Apple pot never made a burst that big. I do believe it must have flopped down on the other fellow and blown up one or two of his bombs same time. I say, isn't that the most gorgeous good luck?

He makes my hair stand on end to hear him! And when I look in his face, and see the broad familiar easy impudence with which he laughs at me and all of us, for our astonishment, why, as I tell you, damn me if I am not dumb-founded! I am struck all of a heap! I have not a word! I am choaked with rage, and amazement! Compared to him your brothel-keeper is a modest person!

She began a sentence, hesitated in the middle, and broke down. She lost her command of thought, and sat dumb-founded. He had to draw her out of the confusion he had himself made. "I see your meaning in your face. You say that I should accept the duty and disregard the consequences." "I don't know," said Madeleine, hesitatingly; "Yes, I think that would be my feeling."

In General Palin the Division had a commander with wide experience of hill fighting on the Indian frontier, and he brought that experience to bear in a way which must have dumb-founded the enemy. Frontal attacks were impossible and suicidal, and each position had to be turned by a wide movement started a long way in rear.

The banjo-player seemed to be perfectly dumb-founded; his friends gathered round, argued, threatened, and finally laughed, and tried to treat the whole thing as a joke. Eb was stubborn, and the man joined our parade, with his banjo under his arm. The police-station and jail were both in a new building half way up the hill. Into this we were hurried, and the doors were shut.

What is her Serene Highness to you?" "She is everything in the world to me," said I. The consternation which followed cannot be described here. The Count stepped back, dumb-founded. Hillars regarded me as though he thought I had suddenly gone mad. The countenance of the Prince alone remained unruffled.

Some of our friends were dumb-founded, by the lawyers asking them: Had they ever been upon the ground where their free-holds lay?

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