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Often was the observation made, for the article excited much attention it was so striking and able, keenly and drolly attacking absurdity and affectation, good-humoured and lively, and its praise so cordial and enthusiastic. Every visitor was sure to begin, 'Have you read the paper on modern poetry? 'Do you know who wrote it? or, 'Is it true it is by Mr. Fotheringham?

'The moral of which is, said Lord Rotherwood, drolly, 'that Gillian is not to take notice of anyone's observations upon her unless she has heard them through the keyhole. 'And so one would never hear them at all. 'Q. E. D., said Lord Rotherwood. 'And now, Lily, do you. ever sing the two evening-hymns.

Evidently it had lain some time in the corridor. She flapped the covers. The title, dim and worn, smiled drolly up. She blushed, and abruptly laid the offending volume on the table. The merry Vicar of Meudon was not wholly acceptable to her woman's mind. To whom did it belong, this foundling book? With a grimace which would have caused Rabelais to smile, she turned back the cover.

She lay long hours by the wharf-boats of busy towns, exchanging one cargo for another, in that anarchic fetching and carrying which we call commerce, and which we drolly suppose to be governed by laws. But wherever she paused or parted, she tested the pilot's marvellous skill; for no landing, no matter how often she landed in the same place, could be twice the same.

I sat entranced on the magic carpets provided in theatres and roof-gardens, that transported one into strange and delightful lands full of frolicsome music, pretty girls and grotesque drolly extravagant parodies upon human kind. I went here and there at my own dear will, bound by no limits of space, time or comportment.

For I know as well as anyone that a man without a quick, strong, aggressive, insistent indignation against undoubted evil is a very poor stick. At dinner that evening, Mrs. Smith broke a long silence with the question: "Did you go to see Manouvrier?" "Nn o." She looked at me drolly. "Did you go half way and turn back?" "Yes," said I, "that's precisely what I did." And we dropped the subject.

It gives a hard lot of loafers too good a chance to make trouble." "They are a hard lot in general," agreed Bob, "but there's some good men among them, men I can't help but admire." Welton rolled his eyes drolly at the younger man. "Who?" he inquired. "Well, there's old California John."

"You are not your father's son if you refuse to go with us;" and the Admiral sent home this charge with fist against palm. "'Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!" parroted the girl drolly. "You will go, Mr. Fitzgerald." "Do you really want me to?" cleverly putting the decision with her. "Yes." There was no coquetry in voice or eye. "When do you expect to go?"

Clara frowned pensively. "Olaf has to do something that looks like the square thing, now that he's a public man!" She glanced drolly at Nils. "But he makes a good commission out of it. On Sundays they all get together here and figure. He lets Peter and Anders put in big bills for the keep of the two boys, and he pays them out of the estate. They are always having what they call accountings.

I will ring for some whiskey and water if you care for a snifter." "I beg to be excused," replied Jawkins, deprecatingly. "You American gentlemen must have the constitutions of horses; you seem to be able to smoke and take 'snifters, as you drolly call them, at all hours, but I really cannot do it, you know. Do you find things to suit you here, Mr. Windsor?