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Elizabeth held up her hand in warning lest her grandmother should be wakened, but she laughed and said, 'My brothers would tell you I used to be Pipy Bet. But that dear old governess. Miss Fosbrook, was the making of me, and taught me how to be jolly like Mark Tapley among the rattlesnakes, she finished, looking drolly up to Gillian.

"Because," said Carlo, laughing again at the recollection, "you held your pencil so drolly; and when you were to cut it, you cut it just as if you were using a pruning-knife to your vines; but now it is your turn to laugh, for you surpass us all. And the times are changed since I set about to explain this rule of mine to you." "Ay, that rule," said Francisco "how much I owe to it!

Alfred smiled, it was said so drolly; but his mother, who felt a little as if she were being laughed at, said, 'Why, Sir, my brother's name was Alfred; and as to Harold, it was to please Miss Jane's little sister that died she was quite a little girl then, Sir, but so clever, and she would have him named out of her History of England. 'Did Miss Selby give you those flowers? said Mr.

"Or the path which leads to it. I am going a-courting." "Ah!" "Yes. Heigho! How would you like a pheasant, my poet, and a bottle of Mignon's bin of '39?" "Paris!" Victor smacked his lips drolly. "Or a night at Voisin's, with dice and the green board?" "Paris!" "Or a romp with the girls along the quays?" "Horns of Panurge! I like this mood." "It's a man's mood.

At the presidential election-time of Lincoln's success, a negro minstrel, Unsworth, was a "star" at "444" Broadway, dressing up the daily news drolly under this title that is, ending each paragraph with that line.

Then at the Queen's request, they related to her and her ladies some of their merry adventures; whereat the listeners were vastly entertained, and laughed heartily. Then Marian, who had heard of the wedding at Plympton Church, told it so drolly that tears stood in the Queen's eyes from merriment. "My lord Bishop of Hereford!" she said, "'Twas indeed a comical business for him!

For as I remember it, you Twelve attempted to convert a world to the teachings of Jesus: and good intentions ought to be respected, however drolly they may turn out." It was apparent this sympathy was grateful to the old Saint, for he was moved to a more confidential tone.

"I beg pardon, general," said he: "but one cannot, you know, always command his conceits. I was thinking how drolly some of my brother officers would look, if our government were to give them such a bill of fare as this." "I suppose," replied Marion, "it is not equal to their style of dining."

Here Jill began the Canadian boat-song, with great vigor, as if bound to play her part of Indian victim with spirit, and not disgrace herself by any more crying. All knew the air, and joined in, especially Jack, who came out strong on the "Row, brothers, row," but ended in a squeak on a high note, so drolly, that the rest broke down.

He looked so drolly abashed as he stood before them, with his clothes torn and soiled from the fall, his face red, and his eyes downcast, all the while industriously twisting the piece of clematis in and around his fingers, that Lady Anne's half-frightened anger could not last. She and her cousin exchanged glances, and smiled at one another.