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I am not particularly fond of old de la Molle, perhaps because he is not particularly fond of me," he added rather drolly, "but it would be an infernal shame to break up that family and sell the house over them. Why they would be ruined! And then there's Ida Miss de la Molle, I mean what would become of her? And the old place too.

And sometimes he'd write drolly, you know his way, that he'd seen ye somewhere, riding, mayhap, or in the garden, or had heard a note of your music as he rode by; and the home feeling would come back to me, and I'd take heart again." In the ten days before her father's death nothing seemed spared Katrine.

Blair explained that he was only in Mercer for a day. "I'm in a hole," he said drolly, "and I've come home to have Nannie get me out." "Nannie is always ready to get people out of holes;" Elizabeth said, but her voice was vague. She was listening for David's step, her cheeks beginning to burn with mortification, at his delay. "Where is David?"

And he repeated his bow so drolly that Primrose's laugh carried Thekla's along with it, as Lady Phyllis walked up with, "Come, father, you are wanted to congratulate." "Eh! Am I? So they have perpetrated it, have they? More's the pity is what I should say in the Palace of Truth; but the maiden has landed a better fish than she knows that is, if she have landed him."

"Now, Barbara," he said in a drolly serious fashion, "if you think the Court of Chancery would seriously object, say so at once." Lady Barbara could not keep the corners of her mouth quite stiff, but she still said, "You do not know what you are undertaking."

Cassidy as the first skylarkish pair showed in the doorway. His manner was drolly that of a showman exhibiting a rare freak, newly captured. "Come a-runnin'!" They came a-running and there were a dozen of them or possibly fifteen; blithesome spirits, all, and they fenced in the shrinking shape of Mr.

I took my father on board the King's pleasure boat and down to Woolwich, and walked to Greenwich thence and turning into the park to show my father the steps up the hill, we found my wife, her woman, and dog attending us, which made us all merry again, and so took boats, they to Deptford and so by land to Half-way house, I into the King's yard and overlook them there, and eat and drank with them, and saw a company of seamen play drolly at our pence, and so home by water.

"Boots!" repeated the native of the Granite state, looking round him drolly; "perhaps not exactly the foot-part, and the soles, for they ought, in reason, to be under water; but every vessel that isn't coppered shows her boot-top of them, I'll swear I've seen ten thousand, more or less."

His black locks were free and the "Madras" dropped from his fingers to the floor. He advanced a pace or two. "Anna," he said again, "Anna Callender," he came another step "I've come back, Anna, to to " he drew a little nearer. She gripped the gun. He lighted up drolly: "Don't you know what I've come for?

"I rather fancy not, Sir Gervaise," answered Bunting, looking drolly at the boiling element that gushed up each minute from beneath the bottom of the ship, in a way to appear as high as the hammock-cloths. "The people at the main-deck guns would have rather a wet time of it." "Bend on the signal, sir, for the ships astern to keep in the vice-admiral's wake.