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"Naturally, I avoid 'Burk' and the Northwest Extension after dark even the scouts do that. But it wouldn't pay anybody to high-jack me. No. I go right in on the derrick floors and hobnob with the drillers, talk about their wives and their families, discuss croup and fishing jobs; sometimes they let me taste the sand and even show me the logs of their wells.

If this well blew in big, as it seemed bound to do, it would be a personal triumph, for not many cub drillers could boast of bringing in a gusher the first time.

As the workmen progressed into the mountain side there were many difficulties to overcome. Day and night without ceasing the work went on. Laborers would faint from the combined heat and bad air, and be carried to the outer world to be revived. Carpenters followed the drillers, trackmen coming closely after.

You will clean out this tunnel, sending the ore above to the dump." "It shall be done," cried the foreman, bowing low before the mine owner. "And now, Senor Tomaso, if it suits you, we will go to another tunnel," proposed Don Luis. "Very good, sir," Tom assented. "What had been in my mind was to order the drillers at work here and see a blast made."

Buddy stood in the midst of a spreading puddle from his streaming clothes, and through chattering teeth announced: "My sister and Mr. Gray are out there. I gotta get through!" "How you going to get through, kid?" one of the drillers inquired. "Our men had to swim in places." "I guess I can swim, if I try. Feller can do 'most anything if he has to. How about you, Doc?"

As he neared the end of the tunnel the man called loudly and a number of workmen stepped aside. As they reached the spot, Tom's quick eye saw that the morning's blasts had loosened some eight tons or so of ore. Drillers stood ready to drive through the rock for the next blast. "Let us look at the ore, Senor Tomaso," suggested the mine owner.

Our scanty clothing was glued to our bodies. Our shoes were filled with water, but that was a luxury it was cool. What a hades of noise and dust! The continual noise and clatter of the pumps, the rattle of the drillers, the hissing of steam and the ear-splitting roar of the dynamite explosions are matters that one gets accustomed to in time.

It is as absorbing to the drillers as a girl's mind is to her hopeful lover. Dave found it impossible to escape the contagion of this. Moreover, he had ten thousand shares in the Jackpot, stock turned over to him out of the treasury supply by the board of directors in recognition of services which they did not care to specify in the resolution which authorized the transfer.

Across the block from the two drillers knelt a man with a rubber tube who poured water into the churning hole; and at each blow of the hammer the gray mud leapt up, splashing turner and hammer-man alike. At the end of five minutes they were down fifteen inches, at ten they still held their pace; but as Denver glanced doubtfully at his coach and Owen the sound of the drilling changed.

He lef word he hadda go over to Number Two well where they're still drillin' an' hain't struck oil yet, but said as how he'd be back later today. He tuk them two drillers from the bunkhouse with him." "Did you know Remedios sneaked up last night and took his flivver again, right from under our noses?" Jack inquired. "No, that so?" Gabby Pete dropped his paring knife and potatoes in surprise.