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She almost feared that the biscuits would be burned, or, if taken from the oven, be cold before he would come to enjoy them; but, just as she had looked for the twentieth time at the little black walnut clock that stood between those old plated candlesticks on the mantelpiece, the sound of quick, light, joyous footsteps was heard resounding along the stony street, the gate was opened, a hand laid upon the door-latch, and the next instant entered a youth some seventeen years of age, clad in a home-spun suit, whose coarse material and clumsy make could not disguise his noble form or graceful air.

He replied this without irritation at being questioned, and bearing the look of his mother with eyes of frankness. It was true, and she believed him. But, as she stayed in front of him, her hand on the door-latch, he said, with dumb violence: "You are not going to prevent me from going to her, since I shall leave in three days!"

Those fine nimble brethren small, Armed with pearl-shell helmets all. When Mrs. Puckridge came into the room, she always set her candle on the sill of the storm-window: it was there, happily, when the doctor drew near the village, and it guided him to the cottage-gate. He fastened Niger to the gate, crossed the little garden, gently lifted the door-latch, and ascended the stair.

There was silence between them for a little while, and then his sister said again, "I'll speak to Shenac." The chance to do so was nearer than she thought; for there was a touch at the door-latch, and a voice said softly, "Are you here, Cousin Shenac? I want to speak to you. Hamish told me you were quite alone." "Yes, she's quite alone, except me."

Tell about drinking the milk under the acorn tree." "But I needn't," thought Dotty, clicking the door-latch! "it won't be a fib if I just keep still." "Yes, it will, Dotty Dimple!" "What! When I squeeze my lips together and don't say a word?" "'Twill be acting a fib, and you know it, Alice Parlin! I'm ashamed of you! Take your fingers out of your mouth, and speak like a woman."

He was blessed with rare versatility and patience, as well as a great heart of love for all mankind, including the dark-skinned, seal-eating races of the Arctic. From a door-latch to a baby's cradle, from a log-house to a sail-boat rigged with runners on the ice, he planned, contrived and executed, principally for others, for years.

They noticed to their surprise that he stood before them the picture of abject terror his knees trembling, his hand shaking so violently that the door-latch by which he supported himself rattled audibly: his white lips were parted, and his eyes fixed on the merry officer of justice in the middle of the room. A moment more and he had turned, closed the door, and fled.

This will be a prodigy indeed!" and he filled the jug again and put it to the man's lips. He then turned away and already held the door-latch in his hand when Steelpacha called to him, "Oh, sir, come back to me! You have twice acted nobly by me; prove yourself a man a third time and I will give you a third life.

All long-known objects, even a mere window fastening or a particular door-latch, have sounds which are a sort of recognized voice to us, a voice that will thrill and awaken, when it has been used to touch deep-lying fibres. In the same moment, when all the eyes in the room were turned upon him, he started up and looked at the chest, the parchments in Mr.

A supper stood on the table near him, where his Etchemin servants had placed it before they trotted off to the camps. The high windows flickered, and there was not a sound in the house except the low murmur or crackle of the glowing backlog, until the door-latch clanked, and the door flew wide and was slammed shut again. Saint-Castin looked up with a frown, which changed to stupid astonishment.