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"Ye can't tell me that ye ain't goin' never to get married, Lem?" Crabbe lifted his hooked arm viciously. "I ain't said nothin' like that. I says as how Scraggy can keep away from my scow." "Don't she never come here no more?" asked Eli in disbelief. "Nope, not after them three beatin's I give her. She kept a comin', and I had to wallop her. I'd do it again if she snoops 'bout here."

While casting doubt on the efficacy of particular religions, it demanded toleration for all. Finally, it was responsible for a great increase of indifference to religion. People too lazy or too ignorant to understand the philosophic basis of Deism, used the arguments of Deists in justification of their contempt for religion, and to many people disbelief and intelligence seemed to be synonymous.

Alice went to her with determined directness. She bent over her, and took her by the hand. "Thank you! You're the bravest woman in the world!" she said. Ollie looked up, wonder and disbelief struggling against the pathetic hopelessness in her eyes. Alice bent lower. She kissed the young widow's pale forehead. Joe was ashamed that he had forgotten Ollie.

Tod Yorke came leaping up in delight. "Oh, wasn't it good! The young one " "Hold your noise, Tod! They are saying he's dead." "Who's dead?" wondered Tod. "Charley Channing. A college boy was found in the river, drowned." "Oh, that be hanged!" exclaimed Tod, half in mocking disbelief, half in awful fear. "It can't be, you know. Who says it?" "There's seven!

Apparently Skither had half expected such an end, for he left word with his comrades of the man-child and his mate, leaving these instructions for them: 'The cave is now yours, along with everything in it. This, my messenger, will remain here until he is well enough to move on. Be of good hope, and continue. But Kalus stood in empty disbelief.

But I know that you did not mean it." The poor girl made a pitiful attempt at disbelief, and tried to win acquiescence with a timid smile. "I not only mean it, but will have no more evasion or protest. When we left New York, you were dying to get on the stage." "Oh, that was before I knew before I dreamed " "Before you knew before you dreamed what?" "That it made one so so " "Well, speak out!"

I now related my history briefly but with firmness and precision, marking the dates with accuracy and never deviating into invective or exclamation. The magistrate appeared at first perfectly incredulous, but as I continued he became more attentive and interested; I saw him sometimes shudder with horror; at others a lively surprise, unmingled with disbelief, was painted on his countenance.

She looked at him now with the first flash of emotion that she had allowed him to see. "If killing people is your trade, and you choose to persist in it, I don't see how we are to stop you." He looked sharply at her, but his voice was low and even. "I don't shoot folks for the fun of it, ma'am." "No?" with scornful disbelief. "Well, I presume it doesn't make much difference.

The others were nearly all of the true field-hand type, aboriginal black, with dull faces, short and thick forms, and an air of animal contentment or at least indifference. They talked little, but giggled a great deal, snatching the canvas bags from each other, and otherwise showing their disbelief in the doctrine of all work and no play.

M. Cartailhac, again, has lately, in the most candid and honourable way, recanted his own original disbelief in certain wall-paintings in Spanish caves, of the period called "palaeolithic," for long suspected by him of being "clerical" impostures.