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There's one master-weakness, Davy. They all think they are sick, or if they d-d-don't, you can make 'em!" "What! Make a well man think he is sick?" the Quaker asked in astonishment. "Sure! That's the secret of success. I can pick out the strongest man in the c-c-crowd and in five minutes have pains shooting through him like g-g-greased lightning.

"S-s-say, d-d-don't you k-k-know we've got a fi-fine b-b-barn on our p-p-place, fellows?" "For goodness sake; won't somebody please pound Bluff Shipley on the back, and make him bite his twisted tongue, so he can talk straight?" cried a pleading voice. "Listen!"

"Your Eminence, Your Eminence, t-t-truth is the c-chief of the Christian virtues! D-d-do you th-th-think I d-d-don't know how hard the Governor has been trying to g-get your consent to a court-martial? You had b-better by half g-give it, Your Eminence; it's only w-what all your b-brother prelates would do in your place.

What are n-n-notes? I t-t-take a good m-m-many, but I have never s-s-signed one. I d-d-don't understand such things. I have h-h-heard say that n-n-notes c-c-can be b-b-bought up." "Of course," said the president. Don't you understand?" Grandet made an ear-trumpet of his hand, and the president repeated his words. "Well, then," replied the man, "there's s-s-something to be g-g-got out of it?

"On M-Monday mornin', sor." "Then of course you don't know anything about the fight that took place there on Monday night!" "D-don't I, sor?" "Why don't you answer whether you do or not?" said Stalker, beginning to lose temper. "Sh-shure yer towld me th-that I d-d-don't know, an I'm too p-p-purlite to c-contradic' yer honour." "Bah! you're a fool." "Ye t-t-towld me that before, sor."

They had received final instructions from Trapper Jim. "Got your compass, Max?" asked his cousin. "It's O.K.," replied the other, touching his pocket, suggestively. "D-d-don't forget your g-g-grub," said Toby.

Everybody but me wants to know what kind of a to-morrow God Almighty has made for him. I make my own to-morrows! I don't ask to have my destiny made up for me like a t-t-tailor coat. I make my own destiny. If things d-d-don't come my way, I just pull them! People talk about 'following Providence! I follow Providence as an Irishman follows his wheel-barrow. I shove it! See?

"Get out of here, you scoundrel!" exclaimed the athletic teacher, making a rush for Will. "D-d-don't h-h-h-hurt me!" pleaded the bold burglar. "I-I-I-I we " As Mr. Hall grabbed him the black mask came off and the instructor, seeing the lad's face cried out: "It's Will Slade!" He was about to send the burglar flying after his companion, but this discovery stopped him.

There is another effort. "He s-a-ays put a st-st-stone at Davy's-s-s-s-s grave," interprets the stammerer. "Who's Davy?" asks the oarsman. "What else did he say?" "H-h-h-he's dead!" says the lad. "Bail! bail!" answers the man. "Let's g-g-get 'im out!" suggests the boy in a half-hour. Corkey has been sobbing. "I thought a heap of Lockwin," he answers. "I d-d-don't like a d-d-dead man in the boat!"

"You d-d-don't expect me to stick to my old offer, I reckon. When I made it, Mahomet went to the m-m-mountain, and now the mountain comes to Mahomet; see?" "Do as you please, I am in no mood to split hairs, nor pennies.