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Updated: August 18, 2024

Ward-Smythe paraded the length of the dining-room, as fairly corruscating with her rich possessions as though she were a jeweller's window incarnate, "it's a positive crime for a woman to appear in a place like this arrayed like that.

With a fair wind, we held on our way westward, hoping to see land before many days. The night following our abandonment of the Parki, was made memorable by a remarkable spectacle. Slumbering in the bottom of the boat, Jarl and I were suddenly awakened by Samoa. Starting, we beheld the ocean of a pallid white color, corruscating all over with tiny golden sparkles.

Indeed I grew reckless, and gave a sort of leap with what intent I know not which caused the back of my head to smite the ice and my body to proceed fifty yards or more on its back, with the legs in the air and a starry constellation corruscating in the brain! Considerably sobered by this, I arose and cut the figure of eight thoughtfully for five minutes.

He thought of Amine; and hastily making the clothes of Krantz and the doubloons into a package, he stepped into the peroqua, with difficulty shoved it off, and with a melancholy heart, and in silence, hoisted the sail, and pursued his course. "Yes, Amine," thought Philip, as he watched the stars twinkling and corruscating.

The glowing rivers they escape; corruscating showers of flying white-hot metal do not fall upon them; the leaping, roaring, hungry, annihilating flames do not touch them; the gurgling streams of melted steel are their familiar playthings; yet they are but men. The "rolling" of these slabs and ingots into rails is a following operation still.

I shall git something from them for sech a remarkable doccyment. But, first of all, here an' now, you can make a small payment on the note. Give me that di'mond ring, an' the di'mond pin. Quick!" A moment later these corruscating gems were swept into Uncle Jap's hand. "What did they cost ye?" "Twenty-seven hundred dollars." "Suffering Moses! Endorse that as paid on the back of the note.

He held up one hand and pointed. "Look, my lord, and the Rhamda! Look!" Both men rose from their seats, the better to stare past the soldier. Straight ahead, where had been one of the corruscating peaks, a streak of blue fire shot skyward, a column of light miles high, differing from the beams of a searchlight in that the rays were WAVY, serpentine, instead of straight. It was weirdly beautiful.

"My dear Countess," cried the old gentleman, delighted beyond measure at the result of his policy, and corruscating with smiles and twinkles, "my dear Countess, allow me to congratulate you." "But who is the 'personal friend' mentioned? Is it the Duke? He is in the far West at this moment." "No," answered Mr. Bellingham, "it is not the Duke.

"Oh, to cut him to torture him to burn him alive ... But it would not be enough!" she panted. And into the mind that had been lately fixed in happy consciousness of her power of good there flashed a thousand scintillating, corruscating gleams of evil thought. And then came a crowning one, an inspiration straight from hell. "By God! I'll make of Allie Lee the thing I am!

A wicked lady or so of high, or extremely low, rank, of immense beauty and corruscating brilliancy; a lovely creature, male or female, whom she is bent upon undoing " "Dear papa!" protested Lady Celia. "Reproach me, dearest. Reproach me as severely as you please. It inspires me. It makes me feel like a wicked, dangerous man, and I have not felt like one for many years.

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