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He was barefooted, dressed in faded blue-jeans overalls and a rusty gingham shirt the two united by a strap over one shoulder and his head was covered by a broad Scotch golf cap much too big for him and considerably too warm for the season. "Come here!" commanded Mr. Conant. The boy did not move, therefore the lawyer advanced angrily toward him. "Why didn't you obey me?" he asked.

"I want your hand, please," said Sophie as soon as they were safe among the beech boles and the lawless hollies. "D'you remember the old maid in 'Providence and the Guitar' who heard the Commissary swear, and hardly reckoned herself a maiden lady afterward? Because I'm a relative of hers. Lady Conant is " "Did you find out anything about the Lashmars?" he interrupted. "I didn't ask.

I must get there quick," and he shot out of the office. I sprang for Bob's telephone: "Perkins, quick!" "What are they doing, Perkins?" I asked a moment later. "Conant has almost filled me up. He seems to have a hogshead of it on tap," he answered. "Buy 50,000 shares, 5,000 each point down; and anything unfilled, give to Bob when he gets there. He is on the way."

"Until to-day I had never heard of you, yet it seems as if I had known you always." "Thank you," laughed Irene; "that is a very pretty compliment, I well realize. You have decided to stay, then?" "Aunt Hannah has decided so, but Mr. Conant may object." "He won't do that," was the quick reply.

"Uncle Peter may be an autocrat in his office, but I've noticed that Aunt Hannah is the ruler of this household." Mr. Conant may have noticed that, also, for he seemed not at all surprised when his wife said she had decided to keep Mary Louise with them.

When Barry Conant had bought all that he thought he could pay for, he was obliged to beat a retreat in front of my offerings, and I was able to smash, and smash, until the price was so low that he could not by the use of what he had bought, as collateral, borrow sufficient to pay me for what I had sold him.

Conant, a distinguished Churchman of Puritan views, who had been his rector at Exeter College, and whose instructions and advice had made, he said, very deep impression on him. So, on the other hand, although a strenuous opponent of Rome, he did not fail to discriminate and do justice to what was Catholic and true in her system.

Gran'pa knows he is innocent, but the government thinks he is guilty; so why doesn't he face the music and prove his innocence, instead of running away as a coward might do and so allow his good name to suffer reproach?" Mrs. Conant shook her head as if perplexed. "That very question has often puzzled me, as it has you," she confessed.

As on that day a few weeks before, the crowd was at the Sugar-pole, but its alignment was different. There in the centre were Barry Conant and his trusted lieutenants, but no opposing rival. None of those hundreds of brokers showed that desperate resolve to do or die that is born of a necessity. They were there to buy or sell, but not to put up a life or death, on-me-depends-the-result fight.

It has a "Message Department," the proprietors of the paper claiming that "each message in this department of the "Banner" was spoken by the spirit whose name it bears, through the instrumentality of Mrs. J. H. Conant, while in an abnormal condition called the trance." I give a few specimens of these "messages." Thus, for instance, discourseth the Ghost of Lolley: "How do? Don't know me, do you?