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"There are twelve hundred acres to look after here, and a few niggers. That's enough for a gentleman." "Pooh!" exclaimed his cousin, "this isn't a cotton plantation. Aunt Lillian doesn't farm for money. If she did, you would have to check your extravagances mighty quick, sir." "I look after Pompey's reports, I do as much work as my ancestors," answered Clarence, hotly.

Lady Douglass approached the task of pouring out tea with the hopeless air of one who scarcely hoped to escape error, and when she had asked for and obtained particulars concerning tastes, Clarence Mills came, and his presence seemed to upset all the table plans; Mrs. Douglass arrested her action as she started to pour tea into the sugar basin.

"I've been wanting to talk to you, Rachael; in fact" he laughed briefly "in fact, I am talking to you all day long, these days," he said, "arguing and consulting and advising and planning. But before we can talk, there's Clarence. What about Clarence?" Something in the gravity of his expression as their eyes met impressed Rachael as she had rarely been impressed in her life before.

"There! raise her a little, dear Belinda; she is coming to herself." "Had not you better draw the curtain again before that picture," said Miss Portman, "lest she should see it the moment she opens her eyes?" Virginia came slowly to her recollection, saw Lady Delacour drawing the curtain before the picture, then fixed her eyes upon Clarence Hervey, without uttering a word.

"I hope your mother is well," she said at last, falteringly, after a long pause. Ursula thought her companion would remark this pause, and think her displeased. She might have saved herself the trouble, for it was the braised turkey which kept Clarence quiet, not offence. "Oh, quite well, I thank you.

He sounded to Joy rather too much as if he was saying, "Good old Fido!" "It's something like saying it to a large dog with a bite, too," she meditated naughtily. "Clarence may find that out in a minute." She went on with her domestic duties, mending the tiny holes in the socks in her lap, and smiling secretly to herself.

"Our Lord forefend," said Richard, "that I should say that Warwick thought of this when he deemed George worthy of the hand of Isabel. Nay, it could not be so; for, however clear the claim, strong and powerful would be those who would resist it, and Clarence is not, as you will see, the man who can wrestle boldly, even for a throne.

He was only let alone when there were engagements with friends, and indeed, when meetings in the streets took place, by tacit agreement, Clarence would shrink off in the crowd as if not belonging to his companion; and these were the moments that stung him into longing to flee to the river, and lose the sense of shame among common sailors: but there was always some good angel to hold him back from desperate measures chiefly just then, the love between us three brothers, a love that never cooled throughout our lives, and which dear old Griff made much more apparent at this critical time than in the old Win and Slow days of school.

It may be that I can have you sent North to-day." "You can do as you please," said Clarence, coldly, "with a prisoner." The blood rushed to Stephen's face. Bowing to the lady, he strode out of the room. Colonel Jennison, running after him, caught him in the street. "You're not offended, Brice?" he said.

No: the mimic work is mightier than the original, for it outlasts it; your love cannot wither it, or your desertion destroy; your very death, as the being who called it into life, only stamps it with a holier value." "And so then," said Clarence, "you would seriously relinquish, for the mute copy of the mere features, those affections which no painting can express?"