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Absent in manner, melancholy in air, and never conversing except upon subjects on which his imagination was excited, there was yet a gentleness about him which could not fail to conciliate and prepossess; nor did Clarence omit any opportunity to soften his reserve, and wind himself into his more intimate acquaintance.

Phoebe was too sensible by far to vex or distress herself on this point, but she recognised it without any hesitation, and the question remained was it for her advantage to enter upon this struggle, about which there could be no mistake, or was it not? And this question was very difficult. She did not dislike Clarence, but then she was not in love with him.

"I was in the nurse's room, bidding good-by to the baby," replied Cora. "Oh!" No more was said. Baby was excuse for any amount of delay, even though it had caused the missing of their train and the driving of the captain into a war dance. They hurried down stairs and entered the carriages that were waiting to take them to the depot Fabian, Violet, Clarence and Corona in one; Captain and Mrs.

'Moonlight her lamp. Edward, don't you see her? I could see nothing but a spot of light on the wall. 'Dreaming again, old Bill. Wake up and come to your senses. 'I am as much in my senses as you are, said Clarence. 'I see her as plainly as I see you.

And will you go with me to the exhibition to-morrow? I am told there are some charming pictures this year. Helena, who really has a genius for drawing, should see these things; and whilst she is with me, I will make her as happy as possible. You see the reformation is beginning Clarence Hervey and Miss Portman can do wonders.

But no, I have the king's solemn protestations of repentance; his guilty passion has burned into ashes, and he now sighs gay Edward for a lighter fere. I cannot join with Clarence, less can I join with the Lancastrians.

She felt relieved. The dessert arriving just then, Milly's attention was distracted from the Clarence Alberts and from her soul. She took much time and care in selecting a piece of patisserie. French pastry, which had become a common article in New York hotels by that time, always interested Milly.

"I think we ought to go back to the high road." "If there's any left to go back to," suggested Clarence. "We've been on one way-path after another so long that I don't think I could find it again." They turned around, and continued to follow way-paths back. Clarence had no pocket compass, such as people who get lost ought to possess. And it was getting relentlessly darker and darker.

Three-quarters of an hour! The exact time it would take to run to Bellair. Clarence shifted his position so as to put himself behind the two men seated opposite Jarvis. As he did so, the expert glanced up, encountering the eye of Dr. Vaughan. "How are you?" said that young man, nonchalantly. Jarvis shot him a keen glance of intelligence, and replied, in the same off-hand tone: "High, you bet!"

Turn we for an instant to Clarence. At the appointed hour he had arrived at Westborough Park, and, bidding his companion, the trusty Wardour, remain within the chaise which had conveyed them, he was ushered with a trembling heart, but a mien erect and self-composed, into Lady Westborough's presence; the marchioness was alone.