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We lighted a fire and fed our prisoners, putting two of them in the centre of our circles, while the two others, who were much braised by their falls of the morning, took their station near the fire, and we covered them with a blanket.

Then put the jelly over it, which is called glazing, and is used for ham, tongue, and various made-dishes. White wine is added to some glazing. The glaze should be of beautiful clear yellow brown, and it is best put on with a nice brush. BRAISED CHICKENS. Bone them, and fill them with forcemeat. Lay the bones and any other poultry trimmings into a stewpan, and the chickens on them.

The fried sardines were succeeded by the regulation braised beef with the gluey brown sauce which grows in most foreign hotels. That, in its turn, was followed by some curiously dry slices of spongecake, each bearing a bit of pink and white sugar frosting, and accompanied by fresh orange marmalade, which Brook thought very good, but which Clare refused.

Put on well-buttered baking-plates, sprinkled with flour, and bake in a moderate oven until a rich brown. Serve with wine. French Braised Sweetbread. Parboil the sweetbreads; drain. Put in the baking-pan with a piece of salt pork, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 bay-leaf and a sprig of thyme, all cut fine. Sprinkle with pepper, dredge with flour; add 1/2 cup of stock. Let cook in the oven until done.

Serve with apple-sauce. Austrian Braised Tongue. Boil a large fresh beef tongue in salted water until tender. Remove the tongue and lard it with thin strips of bacon; sprinkle with paprica; lay in a baking-pan; add 1 onion sliced thin and 1 cup of the water in which the tongue was cooked and pour over 1 pint of cream. Let bake in a moderate oven. Baste often with the sauce.

Dawes stood a moment looking bitterly on the scene, then he took his departure. Thomas Jordan was shaken and braised, not otherwise hurt. He was, however, beside himself with rage. He dismissed Dawes from his employment, and summoned him for assault. At the trial Paul Morel had to give evidence. Asked how the trouble began, he said: "Dawes took occasion to insult Mrs.

The braised appearance of the eyelids gave place to the natural tint they opened, disclosing the eyes, which stared directly into those of the compelling Master who thus forced their obedience.

"I'll have prime ribs of beef," said he; "and boiled mutton with caper sauce; and young spring turkey; and squab en casserole; and milk fed guinea fowl " The waiter, of course, was obediently writing down each item. "And planked steak with mushrooms; and braised spare ribs " "My Gawd!" broke in the host. "And roast teal duck; and lamb kidneys " "Fer the love o' Mike, Mr.

Beets, Sauce Piquant. Stuffed Tomato Salad, Boiled Dressing. Cream Jelly. Onion Soup. Beefsteak a la Henrietta Saute Potato Balls, Mashed Turnips. Cheese Salad. Coffee Sponge. Corn and Chicken Soup. Braised Fowl, Chestnut Stuffing. Honeycomb Pudding, Creamy Sauce. Coffee. Brown Soup with Macaroni Rings. Creamed Mushrooms. Roast Leg of Veal. Mashed Potatoes. Brussels Sprouts with Celery.

"The truth is, my boy," he said a minute later, "that I'm a converted man, and it isn't everyone who can say that nor do I wish everyone to be converted, because it's a ghastly business preparing for the operation. It isn't everyone who needs it only those self-willed, devilish, stand-off, proud people, who have to be braised in a mortar and pulverised to atoms.