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"No," she responded dully, after a long silence, "no, this won't work out with me: fate has chewed me all up! ... I'm not a human being any more, but some sort of dirty cud ... Eh!" she suddenly made a gesture of despair.

"one;" abok, "piece;" saging, "banana." See footnote 5, p. 32. It is made by burning certain shells to ashes, and mixing with water. The stem of a mountain-plant that is chewed in lack of betel-nut. It blackens the teeth, like betel. A short, pointed iron tool; used to punch ornamental designs in brass ornaments, especially bracelets and leglets.

Berkins's high shoulders and large voice dominated the dining-table; he was decidedly more than usually impressed by his own worth, and the worth of the money of which he was the representative. Willy chewed his cheese; there were many wrinkles about his eyes deep lines turning towards the ears; and when he lifted his tumbler one noticed the little nails, almost worn away, of his lean hands.

His fur clothing was neat and clean, fairly shining in the wintry light. The snowy weather that morning must have called winter to mind; for as soon as he got his breakfast, he ran to a tuft of dry grass, chewed it into fuzzy mouthfuls, and carried it to his nest, coming and going with admirable industry, forecast, and confidence.

He thought it would be a good chance to become better acquainted with the animals in the cages and he decided to call on them all by beginning at one cage and visiting each in order until he had completed the circle. He could not stay where he was, for Nancy, the old maid camel, made him nervous; she talked so much, and when she was not talking she chewed her cud like an old maid chews gum.

"'Must we be kerried to the skies On feathery beds of ease? Though I don' know's I oughter quote a hymn on such a matter; but then I don' know's there's any partic'lar harm in't, neither." Eph sat down on a pile of shavings and chewed a sliver; and the old man kept on at his work. "Hoop-poles goin' up and hoops goin' down," he continued. "Cur'us, ain't it?

As it was necessary to judge by their taste, he bit their leaves chewed them, still in imitation of the monkey: but, to his new and profound humiliation, less skilful or less fortunate than the latter, he obtained at first no other result than a sort of poisoning: one of these plants being poisonous. For several days he saw himself condemned to absolute repose and a spare diet.

Their train pulled out as soon as they rounded up the bunch." "I guess the cow-house looked to her like it was a freight car," observed Milt, "and she thought she hed got back where she belonged." The cow, meanwhile, quietly chewed her cud, and continued to endear herself to the hearts of all the Jenkins family save Cory. Every time Bobby spoke her name he called to her, "Co, boss!

Bill and Dennis ate enormously. And Isabel filled glasses, and changed plates, and found matches, smiling blissfully. At one moment, she said, "I do wish, Bill, you'd paint it." "Paint what?" said Bill loudly, stuffing his mouth with bread. "Us," said Isabel, "round the table. It would be so fascinating in twenty years' time." Bill screwed up his eyes and chewed.

The terrible toil and the cold ate up energy, yet they cut down the size of the ration they permitted themselves. One night Smoke was awakened by a sound of struggling. Distinctly he heard a gasping and strangling from where McCan slept. Kicking the fire into flame, by its light he saw Labiskwee, her hands at the Irishman's throat and forcing from his mouth a chunk of partly chewed meat.