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The teacher said it was because he thought so far ahead of what he said he got all tangled up." The boy reached in his basket for a handful of berries and chewed them thoughtfully. "She was always after him to talk slower, but I guess it didn't do any good. He still stutters." "Is there a p-power plant around here?" Hall asked. "You know, where the electricity comes from."

Valentine shook hands with Diana, and took a more ceremonious leave of Charlotte. George Sheldon threw away his chewed geranium-stalk in order to bid good evening to the visitors; and the little party walked to the garden-gate together. "I wonder whether he is any relation to the Sheldon who is in with a low set of money-lenders?" "What, the Sheldon of Gray's Inn?" exclaimed Mr. Hawkehurst.

He did not even hear the conversation which was going on beside him between the curate and the oblate. He struggled with himself all alone, as he chewed, with his nose in his plate. "I do not wish to communicate to-morrow," he went on, and he was shocked. He was cowardly, and becoming foolish at the last. Would not the Saviour give Himself to him all the same?

At the time of our story his countenance always wore a sanctified look; his little round head, covered with ebony-black hair cut long in front and short behind, was reputed to contain many things of weight; his eyes, small but with no Chinese slant, never varied in expression; his nose was slender and not at all inclined to flatness; and if his mouth had not been disfigured by the immoderate use of tobacco and buyo, which, when chewed and gathered in one cheek, marred the symmetry of his features, we would say that he might properly have considered himself a handsome man and have passed for such.

Of almost as much importance as food is the use of the betel or areca nut, which is chewed almost constantly by young and old of both sexes. The nut is divided into quarters and a piece of buyo leaf is wrapped about each bit. To this is added a little lime and a pinch of tobacco, and it is ready for the mouth.

The hostess announces that when she says "Ready," the gum is to be chewed until she tells them to stop, and then each one is to take the gum, place it upon the card, and with the aid of the toothpick, model either an animal or a flower, keeping his selection a secret, as each one can choose what he wishes to model. There is a curious mixture of cows, cats, dogs, sunflowers, pansies, violets, etc.

Marie followed with a pretty little bowl in her hand, and said, laughing at our surprise, 'See, dear mademoiselle; in this way I make sure that the milk is quite fresh and warm; and kneeling down, she milked the bowl full in a twinkling, while Nannette quietly chewed her cud and sniffed at a plate of rolls on the table.

I should never worry about a thing like that." "I'm sure you wouldn't," laughed Antony. "Well, we can have a look when we go in. If the other keys are outside, then this one was probably outside too, and in that case well, it makes it more interesting." Cayley said nothing. Bill chewed a piece of grass, and then said, "Does it make much difference?"

"Why?" "Then we could eat it like the ponies do and not be hungry." "It would be a good thing," Teddy agreed. "But we can't. I chewed some sour grass once, but I didn't swallow it." "I ate some watercress once at home," said Janet. "But I didn't like it. Anyhow I don't guess watercress grows around here." "No," agreed Teddy. Then they sat and watched the ponies eating in the darkness.