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Updated: August 5, 2024

And having a perfect acquaintance with all her weak points as everybody had who lived long in Chapelizod he had no difficulty in finding topics to interest her, and in conversing acceptably thereupon. In truth, that dinner went swiftly and pleasantly over for many of the guests. Gertrude Chattesworth was placed between the enamoured Puddock and the large-eyed, handsome, mysterious Mervyn.

And when that was thoroughly discussed two or three times over, they fell to talking of other subjects, and among the rest of Devereux, and wondered what his plans were; and, there being no brother officers by, whether he meant to keep his commission, and various speculations as to the exact cause of the coldness shown him by General Chattesworth.

Fat, short, radiant, General Chattesworth in full, artillery uniform was there, smiling, and making little speeches to the ladies, and bowing stiffly from his hips upward his great cue playing all the time up and down his back, and sometimes so near the ground when he stood erect and threw back his head, that Toole, seeing Juno eyeing the appendage rather viciously, thought it prudent to cut her speculations short with a smart kick.

''Tis a good match every way: he has good blood in his veins, Sir, the Dangerfields of Redminster; and you may suppose he's rich, when he was ready to advance Sir Sedley Hicks thirty-five thousand pounds on mortgage, and to my certain knowledge has nearly as much more out on good securities; and he's the most principled man I think I ever met with, and the cleverest dog, I believe, in these kingdoms; and I wish you joy, General Chattesworth.

And he shoved round his chair lazily, with a left-backward wheel, so as to command the window, for he liked to see the girls dance, the little rogues! with his claret and his French rappee at his elbow; and he did not hear General Chattesworth, who was talking of the new comedy called the 'Clandestine Marriage, and how 'the prologue touches genteelly on the loss of three late geniuses Hogarth, Quin, and Cibber and the epilogue is the picture of a polite company; for the tambourine and the fiddles were going merrily, and the lasses and lads in motion.

Then came another story, and more chuckling. 'And what about that lanky long may-pole, Gerty Chattesworth, the witch? not that anyone cares tuppence if she rode on a broom to sweep the cobwebs off the moon, only a body may as well know, you know, said Miss Mag, preparing to listen.

There is always some one bright particular star to whom, even as they look on their own handsome features in the mirror, their adoration is paid. Puddock's shoe-buckles flashed for Gertrude Chattesworth, as he turned out his toes. For her his cravat received its last careless touch his ruffles shook themselves, and fell in rich elegance about his plump little hands.

'It will seem incredible. You've heard of Mr. Dangerfield's proposal, and you've heard how I've received it. Well, listen. 'Gertrude, dear! said Lily, who was growing frightened. 'I'm going, interrupted Miss Chattesworth, 'to tell you my strange, if you will, but not guilty no, not guilty secret. I'm no agent now, but simply passive in the matter.

Besides, the townspeople had high notions of some of their belles, and not without reason. There was Miss Gertrude Chattesworth, for instance, with more than fourteen thousand pounds to her fortune, and Lilias Walsingham, who would inherit her mother's money, and the good rector's estate of twelve hundred a year beside, and both with good blood in their veins, and beautiful princesses too.

Old General Chattesworth, as proud as Lucifer, on Bombardier, who nods and champs, prancing and curvetting, to the admiration of the women; but at heart the mildest of quadrupeds, though passing, like an impostor as he was, for a devil incarnate; the band thundering melodiously that dashing plaintive march, and exhilarating and firing the souls of all Chapelizod.

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