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And the next time the mother made me take her down to supper, and expounded to me her view of a chaperon's duties: 'My business, Mr. Forbes' you should have seen her stony eye 'is to mar, not to make. The suitable marriages make themselves, or are made in heaven. I have nothing to do with them, except to keep a fair field. The unsuitable marriages have to be prevented, and will be prevented.

It was to the Kurhaus, then, that Stewart made his first excursion after the accident. He went to dinner. Part of the chaperon's treatment called for an early retiring hour, which was highly as he had wished it and rather unnerving after all. A man may decide that a dose of poison is the remedy for all his troubles, but he does not approach his hour with any hilarity.

Cherry, whose name well described her, was only waiting for a chance, laughing the while at the merry flow of her chaperon's words, and, at the first break, stepped quickly forward and placed her hand frankly in the outstretched palm of her host, then glanced eagerly over her shoulder as though she would say: "But you must see her," and her bright eyes sought and found the fourth feminine member of the group.

She considers it quite a sin to break a promise, even to a man, and she seems actually to like telling the truth." We soothed the Chaperon's fears as well as we could; but when half-past ten came, and there were still no signs of the missing ones, we both began to be troubled.

But the cover was drawn up almost to where her ears should be and Madge could not see her face. She crept over to the chaperon's berth. It was necessary to waken Miss Jones and tell her of the mysterious sounds. She slipped her hand along the pillow in the dark. There was no response. She groped deeper under the covers. Still no movement or sound. Miss Jones was not in her berth.

"It comes to this, then," she went on at full heat, flushing and fanning herself still more violently; "either you or I must leave this house, and at once." "Well, I sha'n't." And so she did! Whose fault was it that we were left in such a predicament that of the inexperienced girl, or the chaperon's? What is a chaperon for? Mrs. Whitney has treated me shamefully, shamefully!

It was subject in a measure to the nature of the engagements she had that is, to the degree of pleasure she expected from them; it was subject, as we have seen, to skilful battery from the guns of her chaperon's entrenchment; and more than to either was it subject to those delicate changes of condition which in the microcosm are as frequent, and as varied both in kind and degree, as in the macrocosm.

Madge walked quietly, and without any fear or hesitation, out on the deck of the houseboat, straight toward the two shrouded figures in the bow. Neither of them heard her coming, but she heard Miss Jones's distressed plea: "Won't you go away, and never come here again. I tell you, I can not do it. I simply can't " "Miss Jones," Madge's voice, clear and cold, sounded almost in her chaperon's ear.

Miss Abingdon had antiquated notions of a chaperon's duties. 'I suppose there would be no objection to the match if they do care for each other, said Mrs. Wrottesley, in a manner that was often called brusque and had served to make her unpopular. 'Jane is rich 'Jane has money, corrected Miss Abingdon, who saw a well-defined difference between the two statements.

"Yes, Mowbray told me," replied the Rector. "They are the new people who have taken Red Gables that pretty little place on the Woodway Road. The girl is Adrienne de Gervais, the actress, and the elderly lady is a Mrs. Adams, her chaperon." "Oh, then that's why her face seemed so familiar!" exclaimed Diana, a light breaking in upon her. "I mean Miss de Gervais' not the chaperon's.