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"Well, La Certe," said Dan, "I'm afraid that Slowfoot is right." "I know she is right!" retorted the half-breed, with more of exasperation in his manner than his friend had ever before seen in him. "When that which is said of one is false, one can afford to smile, but when it is true what can one say? Yet it is hard very hard. You are full of energy; you love to expend it, and you search for work.

"I will be thinkin' that Tan an' La Certe are stoppin' longer away than iss altogither seemly. Tan should have been here two or three days before the weddin'." "He will likely be time enough for his own weddin' whatever," remarked Duncan junior. "Don't you think so, Miss Jessie?" "I think it likely," answered the girl with a smile. "He is sure to be in time," said Elspie, with emphasis.

We may boldly say with Bacon, Vestigia certe rationis verba sunt, and decide in favour of nature. If only they knew their own history, they could always explain, and in most cases justify, their existence.

He was acquitted, and, after terrible sufferings from which he never quite recovered and a three years' absence, he rejoined his family in Red River." "Yes, O yes! I know it all," groaned La Certe. "Well," continued Dan, bitterly, "his fate is not unlikely to be ours." The poor half-breed made no reply to this.

"Nay, that would be requiting me ill returning evil for good to take the wind out of my sails and make my news stale," returned the Trader, with a good-natured laugh. "True, I did not think of that," said Dan. "Then we will say not a word about it until you arrive." "Yes, we will be dumb," added La Certe. "Even Slowfoot shall fail to drag it out of me!" And thus it was arranged.

If it had been anybody else he would have known it, and he would have said so for he was there." "How know you that he was there?" "Marie Blanc knows. She netted the snowshoes that Cloudbrow wore, and she saw the footprints." "But pairs of snowshoes are very like each other," objected La Certe. "Very like.

"Every wan knows that wherever there iss a chance of gettin' ammunition and plenty of victuals for nothing, there La Certe iss certain to be found. He knew that we would be sure to hev plenty at this season o' the year, an' that we would not see him an' his wife sterve when our kettles wass full. Iss not that so, Okematan? You know him best."

Oh! La Certe could easily explain that. He was going off immediately to hunt and trap, and would soon return with a heavy load, for there were plenty of animals about.

It may be remarked here that the buffalo runners generally went on the credit system, trusting to a successful hunt to pay off their debts, and leave them supplied with food for the winter. But, then, most of these men were in earnest, and meant to pay off their debts loyally. Whereas La Certe good, humorous, easy-going man had not the slightest intention of paying his debts at all!

Again La Certe broke the piscatorial spell that had settled down on them, and, taking up the thread of discourse where he had dropped it, repeated his statement that he had been wondering for a long time why Cloudbrow, alias young Duncan McKay, was so sharp and fierce in denying that he knew anything about the murder of Henri Perrin. "Hee! hee!" was Slowfoot's significant reply.