Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 9, 2024

"And don't forget you're on the wrong side of the line," he added. The Captain of rurales and one of his men dismounted and followed the Americans into the cantina. The leader of the rurales immediately exhibited a warrant for the arrest of Waring, signed by a high official and sealed with the great seal of Mexico. The collector returned the warrant to the captain.

Their sudden action did not escape the soldier, who, attributing it to another cause, also hastily quitted the cantina. As the boys emerged into the street, they saw Strong hastening away in the direction of the custom house. "Going to lose himself in the crowd," said Donald. "Don't let him get out of your sight." "What's the matter?" asked the soldier, running to catch up with the boys.

He do not give me anything for that I make the deal over there," and Posmo gestured toward the south. "Double-crossed you, eh? And now you're sore and want his scalp." "He talk too much of the Box-S horses in that cantina," stated Posmo deliberately. "He say that you owe him money." This was an afterthought, and an invention. "Who did he say that to?" queried Sneed.

He gazed beyond Drew’s shoulder into the world outside the cantina door. "Why would anyone want to store books in a trunk in a cave?" Drew changed the subject quickly to break that unseeing stare. He outlined what Stein had told him, and Anse’s attention was all his again. "Might catch up with this Lutterfield an’ ask a few questions—" "Stein couldn’t get anythin’ out of him.

Sick and weary of such scenes, I left the cantina, and sallying forth into the plaza, wandered down the street, not knowing where to go, or what was to become of me. I cared less. Glad to escape from such a scene of riot and violence, I walked rapidly along the narrow street, without any definite idea of where I was going.

And the to-morrows have come and gone as did those Spanish lovers, riding up through the sunshine on their silver-bitted pinto ponies and riding out at dusk with tinkling spur-chains into that long to-morrow that has shrouded the ancient plaza in listless dreams. Mexicans in black sombreros and blue overalls still prowl from cantina to cantina, but the gay vaquero and his señorita are no more.

"Los Indios!" at the top of their squeaky voices; while I made a running accompaniment to their remarks, by holding up my hands, with the palm outstretched towards them, and shouting in my turn, "Amigo!" Reaching the plaza, I dismounted, entered the cantina and called for a basin of water.

As they came out of the livery barn again, Bartley happened to glance at the lighted doorway of the cantina opposite. From within the saloon came the sound of glasses clinking occasionally, and voices engaged in lazy conversation. Cheyenne fingered the dice in his pocket and hummed a tune. Slowly he moved toward the lighted doorway, and Bartley walked beside him.

He put both hands to his middle where more than one of the pile-driver knocks had landed, and tried to understand what was happening. Sergeant Muller ... that was Muller standing over the man on the floor. And Nye ... Reese Topham ... suddenly the cantina was very well populated. Drew turned his head cautiously to see on his blind side. Anse was down!

"In the cantina there was a soldier from the camp," Faquita volunteered. "They call names. He and Señor Juanito fight. Don Reese, he put them both out in the street. Señor Juanito he falls, drops purse. Teodoro picks it up, and we follow. When we try to give it back Señor Juanito yell, ’spy,’ hit with whip. That is the truth, por Dios, the truth!" "Yeah, sounds jus’ like Johnny these days.

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