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'Is yon thy wild callant, Geordie? said David in some surprise, for Ringan was not only provided with a pony, but his thatch of tow-like hair had been trimmed and covered with a barret cap, and his leathern coat and leggings were like those of the other horse-boys. 'Ay, said George, 'this is no place to be ower kenspeckle.

"Is it only you, and be d d to you?" answered the fiscal, still more disappointed "what made you leave the woman?" "She told me she saw Robertson go into the ruins, so I made what haste I could to cleek the callant." "It's all over now," said Sharpitlaw; "we shall see no more of him to-night; but he shall hide himself in a bean-hool, if he remains on Scottish ground without my finding him.

That sweet-faced old woman with the shawl on her shoulders may be one of the girls who was playing at the game of palaulays when Jamie stole into Thrums for the last time; the man who is leaning on the commonty gate gathering breath for the last quarter of the brae may, as a barefooted callant, have been one of those who chased Cree Queery past the poor-house.

That puir lassie, dying on the bare boards, and seeing her Saviour in her dreams, is there na poetry there, callant? That auld body owre the fire, wi' her 'an officer's dochter, is there na poetry there? That ither, prostituting hersel to buy food for her freen is there na poetry there? tragedy "With hues as when some mighty painter dips His pen in dyes of earthquake and eclipse.

"It is quite true, Daisy," said Miss Cardigan; "it is somebody on business." "Nothing private about it, though," said Thorold, smiling at me. "But where in the world did you and aunt Catherine come together?" "And what call have ye to search into it?" said Miss Cardigan's good-humoured voice. "I know a great many bodies, callant, that you know not." "I know this one though," said Thorold.

'The bird and bantling they call it in Derbyshire, sir, said Stanley. 'Ye're a daft callant, sir, said the Baron, who had a great liking to this young man, perhaps because he sometimes teased him 'Ye're a daft callant, and I must correct you some of these days, shaking his great brown fist at him.

This blithe callant was Charlie Malcolm, who had come all the way that day his leeful lane, on his own legs from Greenock, where the Tobacco trader was then 'livering her cargo.

Cree, when he observed them, sat down on his barrow-shafts terrified to approach, and I see them now pointing to the workhouse till he left his barrow on the road and hobbled away, his legs cracking as he ran. It is strange to know that there was once a time when Cree was young and straight, a callant who wore a flower in his button-hole and tried to be a hero for a maiden's sake.

Skreigh, only that I lived within a penny-stane cast o' the head o' the avenue at Ellangowan, when a man cam jingling to our door that night the young Laird was born, and my mother sent me, that was a hafflin callant, to show the stranger the gate to the Place, which, if he had been sic a warlock, he might hae kenn'd himsell, ane wad think; and he was a young, weel-faured, weel-dressed lad, like an Englishman.

But the trouble is how to dispose of you until your father come. I thought last night you seemed a little sweir to part from me?" "It will be more than seeming then," said she. "You are a very young maid," said I, "and I am but a very young callant. This is a great piece of difficulty. What way are we to manage? Unless, indeed, you could pass to be my sister?"