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He hesitated no longer. Stepping into the coffin he lay down, and the woman covered him up. "Oh, wumman!" said Black, lifting the lid a little, "tak' care ye dinna meddle wi' the screw-nails. They may " "Wheesht! Haud yer tongue!" growled the woman sharply, and reclosed the lid with a bang, just as Ramblin' Peter burst into the room. "What want ye here, callant?" Peter drew back in dismay.

The Wind that Shakes the Barley cannot have been named from the barley after it was cut, but while it stood in the field: the Flowers of the Forest was of the gathered harvest. He tried the air once over in the dark, and then carried his violin down to the room where Mr. and Miss Lammie sat. 'I think I can play 't noo, Mr. Lammie, he said abruptly. 'Play what, callant? asked his host.

"I have brushed your coat, sir," said the old man, when he perceived Lovel was awake; "the callant brought it frae Fairport this morning, for that ye had on yesterday is scantly feasibly dry, though it's been a' night at the kitchen fire; and I hae cleaned your shoon.

"I heard ye were here frae the bit callant ye sent to meet your carriage," said the beggar, as he trudged stoutly on a step or two behind Miss Wardour; "and I couldna bide to think o' the dainty young leddy's peril, that has aye been kind to ilka forlorn heart that cam near her.

He hasna the right grip o' his hand the gowd slips through't like water, man; and it's no that ill a thing to be near him when his purse is in his hand, and it's seldom out o't. And then he's come o' guid kith and kin My heart warms to the poor thoughtless callant, Mr. Hammorgaw and then the penny fee" In the latter part of this instructive communication, Mr.

"You're vara welcome, young leddy," said she, "and the Lord make ye a blessin' amang us. Will ye come ben the now? Miss Flora, she's aff to find the minister, bless her bonnie face! but if ye'll please to come awa' wi' me, I'll show ye the way. Maister Angus, my laddie, welcome hame! are ye grown too grand to kiss your auld nursie, my callant?"

"I think Andie Scougal's sold me him or his mate wha kent some part of the affair or else Charlie's clerk callant, which would be a pity too," says Alan; "and if you askit me for just my inward private conviction, I think there'll be heads cracked on Gillane sands." "Alan," I cried, "if you're at all right there'll be folk there and to spare. It'll be small service to crack heads."

She had lingered till she saw the last of their company rescued from danger, and until she had been assured by the hoarse voice of Mucklebackit, that "the callant had come off wi' unbrizzed banes, and that he was but in a kind of dwam."

I remained with my new-found relatives about a week; and while there the miller sent his boy for payment of an account of thirty pounds, he having to make up money to pay a corn-factor at the Haddington market on the following day. In the evening the boy returned. "Weel, callant," inquired the miller, "hae ye gotten the siller?" "No," replied the youth.

The wind is in the east, my road lies westward; keep your boat, I hire it; let us work up the Forth all day; and land me at two o'clock to-morrow at the westmost we'll can have reached." "Ye daft callant!" he cried, "ye would try for Inverary after a'!" "Just that, Andie," says I. "Weel, ye're ill to beat!" says he. "And I was kind o' sorry for ye a' day yesterday," he added.