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They admit both men and women and there is no fee, or only a nominal fee, to residents of the State. These are the great strategic centres and strongholds of the new democracy. A little way back from Cadillac's fort on the Detroit River is one, the oldest, the University of Michigan founded in 1837 with 5,805 students.

Cadillac's arm dropped round my shoulders, and I felt the pressure of his fingers. "Come to my quarters," he said. "You have mail waiting. And we will find you something to wear. Dubisson is near your size." And so I let him lead me away. I pressed him for news of the Indian situation, but he only shrugged and said, "Wait. Matters are quiescent enough on the surface. We will talk later."

I could do no less than bow, but I kept my hand by my side. "And you, monsieur?" He smiled as at one indulging a childish skirmish of wits; but controlled as his face was, I could see the relief that overspread it at my admission. "My name is Starling. I have a packet for you, monsieur," and he handed me Cadillac's letter.

It was only a week ago that she she, alive, untouched, my own had walked away from me in the sunshine, leaning on Cadillac's arm. And I had let her go. And I had let her go. And I had let her go. I said that over and over, with my mouth dry, and I forgot time. I did not know that minutes were passing, but I looked up, and the stars were dim, and branches and twigs were taking form.

If you do not care to see madame, if it is awkward Well, I can arrange it without gossip. You need not see her again, and no one need know. Leave that to me." Not see her again! I do not know what savage, insane thing sprang to life in me. I struck down Cadillac's arm. "You take liberties. You meddle insufferably. She is my wife. I will see her when I please."

But Cadillac's fingers were soon drumming. "It was odd that they did not demand the English prisoners," he said. I felt placid enough as regarded that point. "They did not dare. When do the Senecas leave?" "To-morrow morning. Oh, Montlivet, it grinds me to let them go!" I shrugged at his choler. "We will follow," I comforted. "We will overtake them at La Baye." "But suppose they leave La Baye.

I looked at the litter in Cadillac's tent, and counted it piece by piece. There were clothes, papers, a handmill for grinding maize. I felt her touch my hand. "Will you sit beside me on the couch?" I followed her. She sat facing me, just out of reach of my hand. The light in the tent was blue and dim, but I could see the breath flutter in her throat. I looked at her.

This route was from very early times considered by the French as the easiest and best and was greatly valued by them as a means of communication both in time of war and in time of peace. Cadillac's idea of protecting the low lying lands of the St. John river from inundation during the spring freshet, by enlarging the outlet at the falls, has been revived on more than one occasion.

I stood for a moment and looked at the garrison. The moon had crept high and the place was very still. We were safe for the night. I lit my pipe, and the smoke that spiraled above me did not seem more filmy than the chance that had saved us. I suddenly shivered. But we were safe. I gave the troops the signal to disband. I stopped for a moment at Cadillac's door.

The change had come since she had read Cadillac's letter. She had said nothing, but she was different. What did it mean? Was she natural at last because she thought succor was near? I was not ready to know. The moments that I had now were mine. Ten minutes later they might, if she decreed, belong to Benjamin Starling. The storm passed as swiftly as the shifting of a tableau.