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Buckhurst's resentment against Caroline for her repeated refusals suddenly subsided; his attachment revived with redoubled force. He protested that he loved her the better for having lost her fortune, and he reiterated this protestation more loudly, because his father declared it was absurd and ridiculous.

Lady Anne neither fancies nor loves any thing or any body. She seems to have no object upon earth but to drink barley-water, and save herself from all manner of trouble or exertion, bodily or mental. So much for the Lady Arlingtons. "Buckhurst Falconer cannot be of this party Colonel Hauton has him at his regiment. But Buckhurst's two friends, the Clays, are earnestly pressed into the service.

The result of the inquiries that were made confirmed the truth of all that old Dorothy had related, and brought to light other circumstances relative to the seduction and desertion of this poor girl, which so shocked Rosamond, that in proportion to her former prepossession in Buckhurst's favour was now her abhorrence; and as if to repair the imprudence with which she had formerly used her influence over her sister's mind in his favour, she now went as far on the opposite side, abjuring him with the strongest expressions of indignation, and wishing that Caroline's last letter had not gone to Buckhurst, that she might have given her refusal on this special account, in the most severe and indignant terms the English language could supply.

Buckhurst Falconer could not here assist him as much as in making Latin verses but he could admire and sympathize; and the colonel, proud of being now the superior, proud of his knowing style and his capital stud, enjoyed Buckhurst's company particularly, pressed him to stay at Clermont-park, and to accompany him to the races.

At the first reading of Buckhurst's letter Caroline had been pleased with it; but on a second perusal, she was dissatisfied with the passage about his parents, nor could she approve of his giving up what he now called his scruples, to obtain a competence for the woman he professed to adore.

The sound of her voice was sweet and soft, and there was an air of languor in her whole person and manner, with an apparent indifference to general admiration, which charmed Godfrey Percy, especially as he perceived, that she could be animated by his conversation. To Buckhurst's wit she listened with politeness, but obviously without interest.

Pierce tells me that the two Marshalls at the King's house are Stephen Marshall's the great Presbyterian's daughters: and that Nelly and Beck Marshall falling out the other day, the latter called the other my Lord Buckhurst's mistress.

Buckhurst sent to the Netherlands Alarming State of Affairs on his Arrival His Efforts to conciliate Democratic Theories of Wilkes Sophistry of the Argument Dispute between Wilkes and Barneveld Religious Tolerance by the States Their Constitutional Theory Deventer's bad Counsels to Leicester Their pernicious Effect Real and supposed Plots against Hohenlo Mutual Suspicion and Distrust Buckhurst seeks to restore good Feeling The Queen angry and vindictive She censures Buckhurst's Course Leicester's wrath at Hohenlo's Charges of a Plot by the Earl to murder him Buckhurst's eloquent Appeals to the Queen Her perplexing and contradictory Orders Despair of Wilkes Leicester announces his Return His Instructions Letter to Junius Barneveld denounces him in the States.

"Duty! professional duty!" repeated Buckhurst: "as if I did not understand all those cloak-words, and know how easy it is to put them on and off at pleasure!" "To some it may be, but not to me," said Alfred, calmly. Anger started into Buckhurst's countenance: but conscious how inefficacious it would be, and how completely he had laid himself open, the dean answered, "You are the best judge, sir.

Falconer that a double alliance with her family was more than he had looked for and in one word, that either her son Buckhurst's marriage with his aunt Tammy, or his own marriage with Miss Georgiana, must be given up.