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Hilda laughed outright at this. "Oh, no!" she said; "I am called Hilda generally." "But you kin spell the hull of it?" asked the boy anxiously. "Yes, certainly!" Bubble's eager look subsided into one of mingled awe and admiration. "Reckon ye must know a heap," he said, rather wistfully. "Wish't I did!" Hilda looked at him for a moment without speaking. Her old self was whispering to her.

It began to look as if she was really going! "Good-bye," said Ann. Bubble's red face grew a shade redder. "Just like a girl!" he said bitterly. "Because a man's got to deliver two medicine bottles, off she goes and won't wait for him. And the farthest I've got to go is over to Mrs. Nixon's. The whole thing won't take five minutes." Sun-bonnets are splendid things for hiding the face!

If you've got the fur coat and the goggles on your cap, you can walk or ride on a transfer, and folks'll take it as a cinch that your bubble's back in the garage bein' fitted with a new set of hundred-dollar tires. Why, just the smell of benzine on a suit you've had out to the cleaners will give 'em the dream, if you throw your chest out right.

The oldest saint, the oftenest sold and most dearly redeemed sinner, needs to suspect himself to the end, till he is clear out of Madam Bubble's enchanted ground and for ever over that river of deliverance which shall sweep Madam Bubble and all her daughters into the dead sea for ever.

But it was reserved for John Bunyan to draw Madame Bubble's portrait: "This woman is a witch. 'I am mistress of the world, she says, 'and men are made happy by me. She wears a great purse at her side; and her hand is often in her purse fingering her money. Yea, she has bought off many a man from a pilgrim's life after he had fairly begun it.

Better make a get-away now, find Harry, and bring him here to-night. Then if we find anybody there'll be something doing." He had turned and was crawling rather rapidly toward the entrance of the passage. Bubble's problem was to locate Harry West.

The pale girl made no attempt to rise, but she met Hilda's look of surprise and inquiry with a smile which broke like sunshine over her face, making it for the moment positively beautiful. "How do you do?" she said, holding out her thin hand. "I am sure you must be Miss Hilda Graham, and I am Bubble's sister Pink. "Please sit down," she added. "I am so very glad to see you.

She was a practical, well-balanced girl, a clear thinker and not given to romantic flights of fancy. "The bubble's burst!" sang Joy tantalizingly. "It has not!" Bet swung easily into the saddle. "The bubble isn't blown yet. Just wait and see!" In single file they rode down into the canyon below them and let their horses pick a way through the rocks of the creek bed.

They stepped over the threshold, and the heavy voice greeted them. "Ah, here's Carruthers now! H'are you, Carruthers? They told me you'd been here, and were coming back, so I've been keeping the boys waiting before handing out the dope. You've had a look at that eh?" He flung out a fat hand toward the bed. The voices rose again, all directed at Carruthers now. "Bubble's burst, eh, Carruthers?

He was hailed as "Sextus," and bade "welcome" by the bold Roman, who forthwith charged upon him, and drove him round and round the grove till he sought safety and protection in the lap of Lars Porsena herself. Bubble's performance was much applauded by the two girls, who, in the characters of Lars Porsena and Mamilius, "Prince of the Latian name," had surveyed the whole with dignified amazement.