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It was true, of course, that she had a brother fighting under General Maude. That, no doubt, did give her a modest right to speak. 'How old do you think she is? said Desmond, nodding in the direction of the library. 'Well, she's over thirty. 'She doesn't look it. 'Oh, Desmond, she does! 'Let's call her the New Broom Broomie for short, said Desmond.

He felt he had to speak very seriously to his father, and as he was a kindly little boy he did not want to do it too harshly. This is what happened. 'I wish, Daddy, he said, coming to his point, 'that you wouldn't write all this stuff about flying. The chaps rot me. 'Yes! said his father. 'And old Broomie, the Head I mean, he rots me. Everybody rots me.

'And my married sisters? Elizabeth hesitated again. 'Well, Mrs. Gaddesden is rather afraid of being starved. Mrs. Strang, on the other hand, thinks we're wickedly extravagant! Her neighbour was so much amused that conversation flowed on easily thenceforward; and Desmond opposite whispered to Pamela: 'Just look at Broomie! She's actually making Aubrey talk.

For two or three years past he had felt a special responsibility towards this twin-sister of his. Who was there to look after her but he? He saw that his father never gave her a serious thought, and as to Aubrey well, he too seemed to have no room in his mind for Pam poor old Pam! 'How are you getting on with Broomie? he asked suddenly. 'I don't like her! said Pamela fiercely.

"But, good Lord, man, a cow is as feelin' as a hoss any day," protested Blinky. "You'll be swearing you love cows next," laughed Pan. "Nope. We'll do our work well. Then the chances are we won't spike any of those thoroughbreds we want to break for Arizona." "Say, I'll bet two bits you won't let us sell a single gosh-darned broomie," added Blinky.

In the middle of the night he and Forest took the barricade down, and to-day, Broomie is to be not only secretary, but land-agent, and anything else she pleases queen, in fact, of all she surveys including me. But I am bound to say she had been very decent to me over it all.

Smith, you an' Charley take your stands by the gate, to open it when you see us comin' with a broomie we want to rope. An' Pan, you an' me an' Gus will ride around easy like, not pushin' the herd at all. They'll scatter an' mill around till they're tired. Then they'll bunch. When we see one we want we'll cut him out, an' shore rope him if we get close enough.

Then he decided for what he believed quite firmly to be omniscience. 'But old Broomie, he said, 'he told all the boys in his class only yesterday, "no man will ever fly." No one, he says, who has ever shot grouse or pheasants on the wing would ever believe anything of the sort.... Yet that boy lived to fly across the Atlantic and edit his father's reminiscences. Section 7

'Your letters don't sound to me as though you were particularly enjoying life. Why don't you ever give me news of Arthur? He writes me awfully jolly letters, and always says something nice about you. Father has written to me three times decent, I call it, though he always abuses Lloyd George, and generally puts some Greek in I can't read. I wonder if we were quite right about Broomie?

Paralysis in the lower limbs was increasing, but the brain was clear, and the suffering less. He smiled at her, after the painful swallowing was over. 'Why! you're so like mother, Pamela! He was thinking of the picture in the 'den. She raised his hand, and kissed it determined to be brave, not to break down. 'Where's Broomie? he whispered. 'She'd like to come and see you, Dezzy. Dezzy, darling!